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Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2001-022 RDA 2001-004
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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II. Master Plan Recommendations <br />Subareas and streetscape Improvements <br />Three subareas are defined within the MacArthur Boulevard corri- <br />dor -North MacArthur, The Bend, and South MacArthur; bound- <br />aries are described below. As noted in Chapter I, the subareas reflect <br />significantly different existing conditions in terms of frontage land <br />use, forms of development, and street width, and proposed <br />streetscape improvements therefore vary from subarea to subarea. <br />For example, medians are proposed for the South MacArthur sub- <br />area where the street is relatively wide, but not for the North <br />MacArthur subarea where the street is relatively narrow. To give the <br />street a consistent overall design theme, however, tree species, pav- <br />ing accents, and street lights would be the same in all subareas. <br />Subareas and streetscape improvements are summarized below. <br />1) The North MacArthur Subarea <br />The North MacArthur Subarea extends from the City boundary <br />at Durant Street on the north to the I-580 off ramp adjacent to <br />Foothill Boulevard on the south. Proposed streetscape improve- <br />ments focus on enhancing the commercial environment: <br />^ Angle parking -along the west side of the street. Street centerline <br />striping would be modified as needed to accommodate an angle <br />parking area 16'-6" in width, an eastbound lane 14'-6" inches in <br />width, a westbound lane 12' in width, and a parallel parking area <br />on the east side of the street T in width. <br />^ Corner sidewalk "bulb-outs" - at all intersections as feasible; i.e., at <br />all intersections that do not have a significant number of right <br />turn vehicular movements. Bulb-outs may extend up to approxi- <br />mately 14' adjacent to angle parking areas and up to 6' adjacent <br />to parallel parking areas. <br />^ Perpendicular pedestrian crosswalks - at intersections to enhance <br />pedestrian visibility and safety. Most side streets in this sub-area <br />intersect MacArthur at an oblique angle, and accommodating <br />perpendicular crosswalks will require that some wallcs cross at <br />mid-block locations. <br />^ Street trees within curbside parking areas -Trees would be located in <br />curbed planters between parking stalls; proposed outside dimen- <br />sion of planters is 5' X 5'. Recommended tree spacing is approxi- <br />mately 50 feet on center, with one between every 3 angle stalls <br />and one tree between every two parallel stalls. London Plane Trees <br />are the recommended species; they are deep-rooted, reducing <br />damage to paving surfaces, and are not significantly affected by <br />air pollution or constrained planting areas. Decomposed granite <br />(finely-crushed rock) is the recommended surface material within <br />curbed planters. Irrigation is recommended for all trees. <br />^ Pedestrian-oriented street lights -along both frontages at approxi- <br />mately 100 feet on center. Luminaire mounting height is recom- <br />mended at from 12' to 13'; 150W, 2800K metal halide bulbs are <br />recommended. <br />^ Ornamental paving bands - at back of curb to patch electrical and <br />irrigation trenches. The band is anticipated to be about 24" in <br />width, and paving material could be scored concrete or pavers in <br />a traditional (e.g., brick) shape. <br />2) "The Bend" Subarea <br />The Bend Subarea extends from Foothill Boulevard on the north <br />to Dutton Avenue on the south. Proposed streetscape improve- <br />ments focus on traffic calming and providing a visual link be- <br />tween the North MacArthur and South MacArthur subareas. <br />^ Stop sign at Dowling/Freeway Exit Ramp - to control right-of-way at <br />the intersection of Dowling and Bancroft. The existing landscaped <br />planting area adj acent to the ramp would be extended to Dowling <br />and a stop sign placed at the end of the planting area adjacent to <br />the intersection. Right turns from the ramp exit lane across the <br />local lane to the right would not be permitted. <br />- 10 - <br />
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