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Shade rnee Behveta - <br />Every 3 Angle Stalls (Typ.) <br />Eostitg Tree (1'yp.) - <br />Repild[JpgradeTrec Wells <br />SoutW West <br />Nortl~/East ///--- Shade Tien Between Every <br />' ~ 2 Pacalhi Still (iyp.) <br />,.J'o.+~ <br />~ /- Ornamental Street L[ght (fyp.) <br />~ // <br />J] <br />Walk L Angle Parking EB WB tPazkingl Walk <br />8' 16.5' 14.5' 12' a~'- T ~ 8' <br />L' ~ Shade Tree Between .~ <br />~~ri ~ ~ Every 2 Angle Stalls (typ.) 3 <br />S~ ~ ~ <br />5 ~ ~ ZSW~•~~ <br />n f w <br />a~~S o e P~ . ~ r <br />~ ~ =~.7 3 L •~~ ~? Bollard/Uptight <br />~1g a a~4e K (lyP•) <br />y V7 ° ,~ <br />Parallel I I I SB/Left I Center <br />Walk Pazking Bike SB Tnrn Lane Median NB <br />8' ~ T 5' - 12' 12' 9' ~ 15' 6' <br />74' +/- <br />Cross Section -North MacArthur Boulevard <br />^ Landscaped Median between Dowling and Dutton .This median would <br />be approximately 9' wide, and contain low growing ornamental <br />groundcover and flowering trees at approximately 30' on center. <br />Trees and groundcover would be irrigated. Groundcover species <br />to be considered include Lantana, verbena, vinca, and hypericum. <br />Tree species to considered include crape myrtle, kwanzan cherry, <br />and flowering crabapple; up lighting should be considered for <br />flowering trees, depending on construction budget. <br />^ Narrowed one-way segment adjacent to I-580 off ramp -Bulb-outs ex- <br />tendedfrom the existing curbline on the east side of the street are <br />recommended to create parking pockets and narrow the street. <br />Another approach is to forego curbside parking on the east side <br />of the street and move the entire curbline in to create a larger <br />landscaped area. <br />^ Corner sidewalk "bulb-outs" -see description for North MacArthur <br />subarea, above. <br />^ Street trees within curbside parking areas -parallel parking only in <br />this subarea; see description for North MacArthur subarea, above. <br />Cross Section - "The Bend" <br />^ Pedestrian-oriented street lights -along westerly frontage; see de- <br />scription for North MacArthur subarea, above. <br />^ Ornamental paving bands -see description for North MacArthur <br />subarea, above. <br />3) The South MacArthur Subarea <br />The South MacArthur Subarea extends from Dutton Avenue on <br />the north to Grand Avenue/ Joaquin Avenue on the south. Pro- <br />posed improvements focus on traffic calming and enhancing the <br />commercial environment: <br />^ Landscaped Medians (2) -are recommended between Dutton Av- <br />enue and the northern end of the indent along the frontage of <br />the Evergreen Nursery area, and between the southern end of <br />the indent and Estudillo Avenue. Design would be as recom- <br />mended for median proposed in The Bend. The southerly me- <br />dian would extend across the intersection of Bridge Road, creat- <br />ing aright-in/right-out only condition; this would reduce south <br />bound turning conflicts with right and left turns at the Estudillo <br />intersection. <br />- 13 - <br />