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Agmt 2001 Environmental Science Associates
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Agmt 2001 Environmental Science Associates
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Reso 2001-056
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non-native smooth cordgrass were identified and sprayed in North Marsh by the <br />Alameda County Department of Agriculture in October 2000. <br />Because Citation Marsh, Bunker Marsh, East Marsh, and Roberts Landing Slough are <br />not managed for smooth cordgrass control, these areas are prone to substantial habitat <br />loss as habitat is converted from pickleweed and mudflats to dense cordgrass stands. <br />Bunker Marsh, for example, was opened to tidal. action in January 1995 and is estimated <br />to be more than 50% covered with smooth cordgrass. ESA's management strategy for <br />these area would be outlined in a comprehensive cordgrass Action Plan. <br />ESA will identify the extent of the problem for the entire SLSM/Citation Marsh area, <br />using remote aerial photography. ESA will obtain and analyze current color infrared <br />photographs taken during the active growth period for smooth cordgrass. From these, <br />ESA will be able to determine the extent of the invasion in the fully tidal Bunker <br />Marsh, Citation Marsh, and Roberts Landing Slough. The aerial. photographs will <br />provide the basis for developing a cordgrass Action Plan for SLSM which will address <br />the management needs for each area. It is expected that the management plan for East <br />Marsh will be similar to the current strategy employed in North Marsh. That is, hand <br />application. should be sufficient to extirpate small isolated populations. <br />Smooth cordgrass management in Bunker Marsh, Citation Marsh and Roberts Landing <br />Slough is a more complex management consideration because of the large scale of <br />species invasion and the fully tidal nature of these marsh systems. E5A will coordinate <br />with leading researchers at the Spartina Lab at Bodega Marine Laboratory, U.C. Davis, <br />and the California Coastal Conservancy to define a range of cost effective long term <br />management strategies for the City of San Leandro. The resulting cordgrass Action <br />Plan will coordinate the management needs of Roberts Landing Slough with regional. <br />cordgrass management activities to avoid duplication of effort, where possible, and to <br />help address regional concerns. The control of cordgrass in San Francisco Bay just <br />outside SLSM (i.e., at San Lorenzo Creek and San Leandro Creek) would be factored <br />into a section which considers the regional control of smooth cordgrass. Control of <br />cordgrass is the Bay is important to SLSM because these areas provide the potential <br />source populations for marsh reinfestation. By addressing cordgrass management <br />problems in the Bay, the hope is to incrementally decrease the management needs and <br />costs needed to control cordgrass in individual marshes. <br />The final section of the cordgrass Action Plan would outline potential funding sources <br />for cordgrass management beyond the current strategy of hand application. This could <br />include potential. uses of the San. Leandro shoreline as a "mitigation bank" or mitigation <br />lands for large scale projects that impact biological. resources in San Francisco Bay. <br />Potential funding sources for larger scale mitigation work, such as herbicide spraying <br />using boats, may include airport projects (e.g., Hayward Airport and San Francisco <br />International Airport expansion plans), bridge construction projects (e.g., the Bay <br />Bridge retrofit project), or the CalFed Bay-Delta Program through their Ecosystem <br />Restoration Program. <br />San Leundro Shoreline Marshlands 3 ~NVTRONMCNTAL SCINNCC ASSOCIATES <br />Ongoing 13inlogicul Asscssmenl And Maiuigerncnt Services Suhmifla) gale: T)ccembcr 12, 3000 <br />
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