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EXHIBIT A <br />City of San Leandro <br />Davis Street Sewer Improvements -Timothy Drive to Donovan Drive <br />Engineering Services During Construction and <br />Construction Management Services <br />I. SCOPE OF WORK <br />A. Introduction <br />The City previously retained Contractor to design the Davis Street Sewer Improvements- <br />Timothy Drive to Donovan Drive. The estimated construction cost of the project is $2.5 million <br />to $3.5 million. The estimated project construction duration is 150 working days (7 months). <br />CONTRACTOR will perform engineering services during construction and construction <br />management services to verify and report that the construction contractor is providing materials <br />and is performing the work in accordance with the contract documents. <br />Services will be performed on a time and materials basis with charges assigned to the tasks <br />described in this Scope of Work. The contract budget to perform the scope of work is based <br />upon the level of effort and staffing defined in this scope of services. Changes in construction or <br />contract duration may necessitate a change (increase/decrease) to the contract. The <br />CONTRACTOR will advise the City monthly (as part of the monthly status report) as to the <br />expended vs. anticipated costs and provide a projection of costs and substantial completion date. <br />CONTRACTOR will provide a professional staff as necessary to perform the duties and <br />responsibilities outlined in this scope of work. Resumes for personnel assigned to this project <br />will be submitted for City approval within one week of issuance of this contract. <br />CONTRACTOR shall not substitute or replace personnel without written permission of City. <br />B. Project Tasks <br />The tasks required for this project are as detailed below: <br />1) Project Management. CONTRACTOR will perform project management and quality <br />control for its own services. Project management will include assigning apart-time Project <br />Manager not to exceed 5% of the contract billing, to monitor the performance of submittal <br />reviews, responses to Requests for Information, issuance of Design Clarifications, quality of the <br />design documents, and other work. <br />2) Construction Contract Management. Procedures for contract administration and <br />project management shall conform to the Contract documents and the City's construction <br />policies, forms and procedures. As may be appropriate CONTRACTOR may utilize <br />EXHIBIT A Page I of 6 <br />AGRE\EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />