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Agmt 2001 MiniFinancial
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2001 MiniFinancial
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7/14/2010 4:38:30 PM
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7/14/2010 4:33:43 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2001-092
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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Contractor shall provide assistance to City in determining the impact of development on public <br />facilities and infrastructure. The work plan shall support adoption of a set of impact fees to ensure <br />that development projects contribute their fair share to new facilities. The facility types included in <br />the scope of this study are: <br />• Public facilities; <br />• Transportation; <br />• Review of wastewater collection fee study prepared by Craig R. Lawson (city owned <br />system only); and <br />• Review of park impact fee completed by Hausrath Economic Group (HEG). <br />Task 1: Identify existing development and future growth: Contractor will summarize existing <br />levels of development and future growth using either published sources, such as the Association for <br />Bay Area Governments (ABAG), or data from the City's General Plan update. Contractor shall use <br />a planning horizon of 2020 for all fee calculations and analysis. <br />Task 2: Public buildings impact fee analysis: Contractor shall prepare a recommended public <br />building impact fee, utilizing an outline of the City's long range (2020) capital improvement plan <br />for public buildings and a description of the City's current public buildings. Together these <br />facilities will define the 2020 standard for use in allocating costs between new and existing <br />development. <br />Task 3: Transportation impact fee analysis: The transportation impact fee analysis will focus <br />on funding new and expanded traffic and related facilities to accommodate growth. Contractor <br />shall use the City's Master Plan of City Streets to establish facility standards and use the <br />information contained therein to identify facilities eligible for fee funding vs those needed to correct <br />existing deficiencies, and to develop a preliminary fee nexus. Calculation of the fee will be a <br />separately budgeted item pending City direction to proceed. <br />Task 4: Review park and wastewater impact fees: Contractor shall review the Park Impact Fee <br />developed by HEG and the wastewater connection fee developed by Craig R. Lawson. Contractor <br />shall examine the methodology used in the analysis to ensure that the impact fee program is <br />properly documented and defensible. <br />Task 5: Compare proposed fees with other communities: Contractor shall compare the impact <br />and connection fees proposed for San Leandro with those of Alameda, Hayward and Oakland. The <br />comparison shall include a typical single family home and one example of a nonresidential <br />development project. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 2 <br />AGRE~EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />
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