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Task 6: Draft report and attend meetings: Contractor shall summarize the results of the Tasks 1 <br />through 5 in an administrative draft report for review by City staff. Contractor shall integrate <br />comments from City staff into a final. draft report for presentation to the City Council and the <br />public. Following review by the Council and the public, Contractor shall make changes as <br />appropriate and transmit a final report to the City. Contractor shall provide 24 bound copies and 1 <br />unbound copy of the final report. <br />Included in this task are up to five meetings for presentation of the findings (i.e. with city staff, <br />members of the building industry, City Council subcommittee, City Council workshop and/or <br />public hearing.) For presentation of the findings at any public meeting, Contractor shall prepare a <br />Powerpoint presentation summarizing the results of the study. <br />Schedule: All work to be performed pursuant to this agreement will be completed within three (3) <br />months of receiving notice to proceed from the City. <br />EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 2 <br />AGRE~EXHIBITA.DOC (Word 6.0) <br />