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DATE; July 9, 2010 <br />SUBJECT: Port of Oakland staff recommendations of terms for a proposal to revive <br />and amend the Settlement Agreement between the Port of Oakland and the City of <br />San Leandro <br />Background <br />Under the Settlement Agreement dated November 7, 2000, between the Port of Oakland <br />and the City of San Leandro, the Port agreed to provide funding for the sound insulation of <br />200 homes. The project was required to be accomplished over a six year period, as was <br />stated in the Settlement Agreement, section 5(c) 2 and referred to as the "Project <br />Obligations Period". Upon review by the Port Attorney, it has been determined that the <br />Project Obligations Period expired on October 8, 2008, at which time 81 of the 200 homes <br />had been- insulated. <br />Amendment to Extend the Project Obligations Period. <br />Of the currently 119 remaining homes to be insulated to reach 200, 73 are ready for <br />commencement of work in Phase IL <br />For Phase II, staff would recommend a 2 Fiscal .Year (FY) reimbursement proposal from <br />San Leandro, beginning with FY 10/11, with the following conditions: <br />o .The Port's obligation is capped at $3,162, 934 ($2,574,472 construction costs + <br />$588,462.00 Project Management costs) and would terminate on June 30, <br />2012. Any costs associated with Phase II that have not been submitted for <br />reimbursement by this date would not be reimbursed. <br />o Reimbursement for-Phase II costs shall be the LESSER of actual costs or the <br />maximum cost of $3,162, 934, and reimbursements would be made in the <br />amount of $1.5 Mil for FY 10/11, and the remainder of the balance in FY 11/12. <br />Port staff would recommend that the remaining 46 homes in a Phase III be included in the <br />amendment with the following stipulations: . <br />o The Port's debt service coverage (DSC) on ALL debt is at least 1.7x in the <br />prior FY and projected to be at least 1.7x for the 3 year adopted budget. (1.7x <br />is the median DSC for airports according to Moody's). <br />o Phase III Project Management costs are capped at the current estimate of <br />$114,286 ($35,486.00 Phase III & $78,800 PR), and the construction costs are <br />capped at the current estimate of $1,514,851 for a total maximum cost of <br />$1,629,137. A COLA based on actual CPI, but no more than 3% ,per year, <br />would be allowed for Phase III costs ONLY (no COLA for Phase II work) to <br />ensure reasonable cost increases over time are considered. <br />o There would be no FY restrictions for reimbursements for Phase III. All <br />reimbursements will be made as soon as all requirements are completed and <br />requests for reimbursements are made to the Port. <br />o All work and reimbursements for Phase III must be completed by December <br />31, 2015. This is consistent with the original agreement, which also had a <br />definite ending date. <br />