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Appendix E (Initial Study/Part 2) Page 8 ' ~ ' . <br />Attachment to Appendix E -Initial Study (Part 2) <br />l.b-f. The site is relatively flat and is currently developed with an automobile dealership facility. <br />Development of the proposed project would not result in an increase in over-covering of soil, as <br />all of the site is either paved or built-up with buildings. The underlying soil is suitable for <br />development of residential units and no re-engineering of on-site soils is anticipated. No impacts <br />to on-site soils are anticipated. <br />l.g. This project area lies within approximately 1.8 miles of the Hayward Fault zone and is <br />within a seismically active area. In the event of a major earthquake on the Haywazd, San <br />Andreas or other nearby fault, structures or persons in the area would be exposed to damage or <br />risk depending on the magnitude and nature of the earthquake. All construction must comply <br />with the San Leandro Municipal Code which requires all new structures to be engineered and <br />designed to resist the forces imposed by an earthquake. This impact is considered less than <br />significant. <br />2.a-c. The Transportation Administrator has indicated that the proposed project would not result <br />in a significant increase in vehiculaz trips to and from the project site. Therefore, air quality <br />impacts aze anticipated to be less than significant. No objectionable odors would be produced by <br />the residential project and no alteration of air movement nor a change in the local climate aze <br />anticipated. No air quality impacts are anticipated. <br />3.a-h. Due to the fact that the project site is currently developed, redevelopment of the site with <br />residential uses is not anticipated to affect on-site absorption rates or drainage patterns. There are <br />no surface waters to which drainage might be discharged into. Project drainage would discharge <br />into the existing storm drain system. No groundwater would be affected by development of the <br />project, nor is the project site within an identified flood zone. No impacts to water resources are <br />anticipated. <br />4.a-c and S.a-d. Due to the existing developed state of the project site, no significant, rare or <br />endangered plant or animal species currently exist. Therefore, redevelopment of the site with <br />residential uses would not. result in a potentially significant impact. No impacts to plant or <br />animal species are anticipated <br />6. a., b. A noise analysis was performed by Robert Shaw in conjunction with an application for <br />HUD/FHA funding for the project. This report concluded that the project site has an overall day- <br />night average noise level of 78.5 DNL, as a result of fronting on E. 14"' Street, a major roadway. <br />The San Leandro General Plan contains guidelines for determining the compatibility of various <br />land uses with different noise environments. For residential land uses, the General Plan notes <br />that a noise environment of 55' L~, or less is "clearly acceptable" while a noise environment <br />between 55 and 65 L~, is "conditionally acceptable." Noise levels in excess of 65 L~, are <br />"normally unacceptable" for residential uses. <br />ABHOW Senior Housing - IS -Part 2 <br />