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FINDING: No significant impact on existing utilities is anticipated. <br />16) AESTHETICS <br />EFFECT: The proposed apartment building will be 2-3 stories in height. The underlying <br />zoning requires a front (E. 14th Street) setback of 20 feet and side setbacks of 30 feet. The <br />parking lot is proposed at the rear of the lot, which abuts adjacent single-family residences to the <br />east. Due to the distance separating the two uses, no significant visual impacts are anticipated. In <br />addition, due to the developed nature of the E. 14th Street frontage, visual impacts along this <br />heavily-traveled corridor are anticipated to be minimal. With proposed landscaping, this is not <br />anticipated to result in a significant visual impact. <br />FINDING: No significant impacts on aesthetics is anticipated. <br />17) RECREATION <br />EFFECT: The preliminary site plan includes several amenities that will provide future <br />residents with passive and active recreational opportunities. These include outdoor seating areas <br />and gardening plots, and an indoor multi-purpose room. With these amenities in place, impacts <br />to existing recreational facilities are anticipated to be less than significant. <br />FINDING: No significant impacts on recreational resources is anticipated. <br />Section 2. That the Environmental AssessmentlInitial Study and accompanying textual <br />analysis, both of which are incorporated by reference herein, have determined that no other <br />potentially significant environmental effects are attributable to this project. <br />Section 3. That no comments on the Mitigated Negative Declaration were received. <br />Section 4. That the City approves, as adequate, the Mitigated Negative Declaration for <br />the Disposition and Development Agreement for 232 East 14t" Street, San Leandro. <br />Section 5. That pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act, the Project will not <br />have a significant effect on the environment. <br />Section 6. That pursuant to Public Resources Code § 21081.6, subdivision (d), all <br />records, materials and other documents constituting the record of proceedings are available from <br />the Redevelopment Administrator. <br />7 <br />