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Reso 2000-011
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2000-011
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Last modified
8/27/2010 1:44:39 PM
Creation date
7/20/2010 2:00:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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FINDING: No significant impacts from traffic are anticipated. <br />13.) PARKING <br />EFFECT: Preliminary plans show a total of 60 off-street parking spaces. This is <br />inconsistent with the current Zoning Code which requires 1.25 off-street spaces per unit, plus 1 <br />per employee (or 76 spaces total). A parking survey submitted to the City by the applicant shows <br />that parking for senior housing does not have as high a need for on-site parking as a typical <br />apartment building. Typically, a senior couple living together does not have two cars, as is <br />common in younger apartment dwellers. Also, seniors are much more likely to utilize mass <br />transit if accessible to nearby amenities. The project site is located along a major roadway, with a <br />bus stop located out front of the building. The building is also within walking distance of <br />downtown, for those residents able to walk a few blocks. Therefore, staff anticipates parking <br />impacts to be less than significant. <br />FINDING: No significant impacts on parking are anticipated. <br />14) PUBLIC SERVICES <br />EFFECT: This in-fill project which is located on a site previously developed with <br />commercial uses is located in an area currently served by the City's police, fire and refuse <br />collection services. There will be no need for new governmental services. However, Guy <br />Pelham, Deputy Fire Marshall of the Alameda County Fire Department indicates that a project <br />fire flow of 2,000 gallons per minute (gpm) will be required for fire suppression. This is required <br />due to the development of a three-story residential structure and is in addition to sprinklers <br />installed in the buildings. The closest fire flow pipe was last tested several years ago and had a <br />flow of 2,084 gpm. Due to the nearby developments constructed in the intervening years, it is <br />not known whether adequate fire flow exists for the proposed project. This is a potentially <br />significant impact. <br />MITIGATION: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the fire flow shall be tested and an <br />adequate fire flow of at least 2,000 gpm be achieved. If an adequate flow is not available, the <br />applicant shall include measures to the satisfaction of the Alameda County Fire Department <br />FINDING: This change has been required in, or incorporated into the Project and will <br />avoid potentially significant environmental impacts as identified in the Initial Study. <br />15) UTILITIES <br />EFFECT: This in-fill project which is located on a site previously developed with <br />commercial uses is served by public utilities. Water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewer, storm <br />water and cable tv services of sufficient capacity are presently available or can be extended from <br />abutting streets with no unusual problems anticipated. <br />6 <br />
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