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• <br /> • Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 12 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - August 5, 1996 <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> Items Removed from the Consent Calendar. <br /> 5.3 Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement with San Leandro <br /> Chamber of Commerce for Leadership San Leandro Program (provides funding <br /> for Chamber of Commerce to conduct "Leadership San Leandro Program" to <br /> educate emerging community leaders about current and future community needs <br /> and concerns). Removed from the Consent Calendar to New Business and <br /> continued to the August 19, 1996, City Council Meeting. <br /> Council Member Glaze: I wanted to speak to item 5.3, the contractual <br /> service agreement with the Chamber. I had friends that went through the <br /> Leadership Program. I heard good comments from people -- such as, it's a <br /> good program, with one caveat, it was expensive, expensive for the number <br /> of San Leandro residents that went through it. For what it did for the <br /> community at large, I have a hesitancy in spending the money on it. I <br /> thought the first year would be a seed program and that it would be self <br /> sufficient after that. I don't see the City investing in this for another <br /> year. <br /> Council Member Galvan: I have some of the same concerns; however, I will <br /> be supporting this resolution. I do have a question, what is typical in <br /> other communities with Leadership Programs? Could staff give some insight <br /> on the level of other cities' participation and when does that subside or <br /> decrease. My concern is that we are in the second year and I don't see a <br /> major decrease in the financial participation from the first year. I want . <br /> to make sure this program is going to be self efficient. I believe in the <br /> program's goals, and I want to see it proceed. <br /> Jermanis: Council may recall, we looked at a number of cities that had <br /> programs. It takes a few years to get the program up and operating on its <br /> own. There was a fundraiser recently to provide some assistance to those <br /> individuals that would like to participate that don't get full funding from <br /> their companies. Our original intent was for funding of the first two or <br /> three years. We can obtain and come back with further information <br /> regarding financial participation. <br /> Council Member Loeffler: First, I echo some of the comments commending <br /> those that attended. I am supportive of the program. I am concerned about <br /> the fiscal aspects of the program. I would like to see a three- or five - <br /> year plan that shows this model. I am aware of Santa Rosa's model. We <br /> need to see a financial time line. We are supporting and nurturing <br /> resident leadership. People who grow up in the community, business or <br /> government. Could we see what percentage of residents are a part of the <br /> formula. <br /> Jermanis: I don't have that, we can bring that information back to <br /> Council. <br /> Mayor Corbett: Since there are unanswered questions, we will defer this to <br /> a later meeting so the questions can be answered. <br /> Calvert: This item will be continued to the August 19 meeting. <br />