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• Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 4 - <br /> Redevelopment Agency Meeting - November 18, 1996 <br /> Mr. Jermanis clarified that there are seven, licensed firearms <br /> dealers in San Leandro, and five are subject to this tax. He said <br /> Traders would be most directly affected. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> 3.1 Joel Hartz, 13125 Neptune Drive, noted the number of gun <br /> dealers in Berkeley - none; and, yet, they have passed an <br /> ordinance. He said this is a political issue. He said the <br /> number of handguns has doubled in recent years, but the murder <br /> rate has not followed that trend. He opposes the tax. <br /> 3.2 Nathan Zeliff, 18 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, said he is an <br /> attorney in San Ramon and that this is hypocrisy. He said <br /> citizens are being targeted rather than criminals. He said <br /> this is a political agenda; the Council is not concerned about <br /> safety. He opposes the tax. He said it is a step toward <br /> reducing gun ownership; it is an attack on businesses. He <br /> said it is discriminatory and that there is a right to <br /> personal defense set forth in the 2nd Amendment. He <br /> recommends Eddie the Eagle educational course. <br /> 3.3 Reuben Vargas, 564 East 14th Street, said there are no <br /> registered firearms dealers in Berkeley. He said he is a <br /> firearms dealer and would be affected. He opposes the tax. <br /> He said it would affect retail sales. He noted that, since <br /> the Ordinance was passed, 70 Saturday Night Specials have been <br /> brought to him, and he has turned them down. He said <br /> Proposition 218 has "spoken the word of the people." <br /> • <br /> 3.4 Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, said there was confusion <br /> regarding passing the Ordinance. He said they cannot enforce <br /> ordinances properly. He wants them to put it to a vote of the <br /> people. <br /> 3.5 Nancy Bone', 685 East 14th Street, submitted a letter to the <br /> Clerk for submission to the Council. She read the letter in <br /> opposition to the tax and noted the potential financial loss <br /> to the City. She said Traders will no longer remain <br /> competitive. She said this is discrimination. <br /> 3.6 John Timothy, 813 San Leandro Boulevard, said he is not a fan <br /> of handguns but disagrees with the tax Ordinance. He said it <br /> would be more effective to make the firearms illegal. He <br /> said, if the business leaves, the guns will still be out on <br /> the streets. <br /> 3.7 Steve Perry, 1604 - 141st Avenue, said it is discriminatory, <br /> and there is nothing in the Ordinance to reduce crime. He <br /> said it would significantly impact his business. <br />