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the foundation. If the foundation is in sound <br /> condition, the fireplace and chimney may be <br /> reconstructed using the existing foundation. If the <br /> foundation has been damaged, it shall be removed and <br /> replaced. <br /> (e) Where existing conditions preclude the installation of <br /> anchorage required by Chapter 3102.4.3 of the current <br /> Code, alternative systems may be used when approved by <br /> the building official. Such alternate systems shall be <br /> designed by a structural engineer, civil engineer or <br /> architect. <br /> (f) When the portion of the chimney extending above the <br /> roofline exceeds two times the least dimension of the <br /> chimney, that portion above the roofline shall be <br /> braced to the roof structure." <br /> Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1999, <br /> pursuant to Section 1- 1- 345(f) of the San Leandro Municipal Code <br /> because it relates to particular provisions of law prescribing <br /> the manner of its passage and adoption and Section 1- 1- 345(b) of <br /> the San Leandro Municipal Code because it relates to the <br /> immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety by <br /> establishing uniform standards for construction. The City Clerk <br /> is directed to publish the title once and post a complete copy <br /> thereof on the City Council Chamber bulletin board within five <br /> (5) days following its adoption. <br /> Introduced by Council Member Lothrop on this 21st day <br /> of June, 1999, and passed to print and adopted by the following <br /> called vote: <br /> Members of the Council: <br /> Ayes: Council Members Galvan, Glaze, Grant, Loeffler, Lothrop, Nardine; <br /> Mayor Young ( 7 ) <br /> Noes: None ( 0 ) <br /> Absent: NoI�nneer �,� �i���� ( 0 ) <br /> Attest: Ski 0=``.vl- <br /> Gayle/ etersen, City Clerk <br /> 06/17/99 V <br /> A: \BLDGCODE.99 <br /> 1: \ W PD \CS L\ 136 \01 \ORD I NANC E\ 1999V U N E99 \\A RT I . FINA LDRA FT. DOC <br /> 8 <br />