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b. In accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 33030(b)(1), the <br /> combination of such blight conditions in the Project Area is so prevalent <br /> and so substantial that it causes a reduction of, or lack of, property <br /> utilization of the Project Area to such an extent that it constitutes a <br /> serious physical and economic burden on the City which cannot <br /> reasonably be expected to be reversed or alleviated by private enterprise <br /> or governmental action, or both, without redevelopment. This finding is <br /> based in part on the fact that the nature and cost of the improvements <br /> necessary to eradicate such blight are beyond the capacity of the City <br /> and private enterprise acting alone or in concert without redevelopment. <br /> This finding is further supported by the fact that such costs and such <br /> blighting conditions, which discourage development, have prevented <br /> such development from proceeding within the Project Area without such <br /> redevelopment. <br /> c. The Redevelopment Plan would redevelop the Project Area in <br /> conformity with the Community Redevelopment Law and in the <br /> interests of the public peace, health, safety and welfare. This finding is <br /> supported by the fact that redevelopment of the Project Area, including <br /> planning, development, replanning, redesign, clearance, reconstruction <br /> and other efforts defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 33020 and <br /> 33021 will implement the objectives of the Community Redevelopment <br /> Law by aiding in the elimination of conditions of blight and providing <br /> for higher economic and more beneficial use of under- utilized land. <br /> d. The adoption and carrying out of the Redevelopment Plan is <br /> economically sound and feasible. This finding is based in part on the <br /> fact that under the Redevelopment Plan no public redevelopment <br /> activity will be undertaken unless the Agency can demonstrate that it <br /> has adequate revenue to finance the activity. The Report to Council <br /> further demonstrates the economic soundness and feasibility of the <br /> Redevelopment Plan and related undertakings. <br /> e. The Redevelopment Plan is consistent with the General Plan of the City <br /> including, but not limited to the housing element, which substantially <br /> complies with the requirements of Article 10.6 (commencing with <br /> Section 65580) of Chapter 3 of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government <br /> Code. This finding is the result of independent review and <br /> consideration by the City Council, including, but not limited to, such <br /> factors as the similarity of the land use pattern in the General Plan and <br /> 6 <br />