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2. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the first phase of the project, the Subdivider <br /> shall pay the entire underground utility conversion fees, or enter into an Underground <br /> Utility Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the City Underground Utilities <br /> District Master Plan. <br /> 3. Prior to approval of the first Final Map. the Subdivider shall provide written evidence <br /> form utility companies that satisfactory arrangements, including necessary payments, <br /> have been made to ensure undergrounding or removal of existing overhead utility lines <br /> through the site. The Subdivider shall place all utility services for the project <br /> underground, including any service connections to the existing overhead utilities. <br /> H. FEES AND DEPOSITS <br /> 1. Design review fees, development impact fees, permit fees, inspection fees, and any other <br /> fees charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, approval, permitting <br /> and inspection of the above listed public improvements shall be paid by the Subdivider. <br /> 2. Prior to approval of each Final Map, Subdivider shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement <br /> Agreement for that Final Map and shall post security and insurance in the amounts and <br /> forms acceptable to the City Engineer. <br /> 3. Prior to approval of the first Final Map, Subdivider shall pay Development Fee for Street <br /> Improvement (DFSI) as determined by the City Transportation Administrator. <br /> 1. PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS <br /> 1. All of the sanitary sewer and storm drainage facilities constructed within the boundaries of <br /> the project shall be privately owned and maintained by the project 1- Iomeowners' <br /> Association, unless otherwise noted on the approved improvement plans, up to the point of <br /> connection of the systems to an existing public facility. <br /> 2. All proposed improvements on Alvarado Street, northwesterly of and including the <br /> proposed bridge, and all of the streets and services within the project boundary shall be <br /> privately maintained, with the exception of the existing sanitary sewer and storm drain <br /> mains that shall remain within the project. Access to these existing and rerouted public <br /> storm drain and sanitary sewer systems must be maintained via public utility easements and <br /> access doors through the soundwalls along the project perimeter if necessary. <br /> J. MINI PARKS, LANDSCAPING AND PERIMETER WALLS <br /> 1. The Subdivider shall provide and construct parks in accordance with the standards of <br /> Section 7 -1 -800, et seq., San Leandro Municipal Code and as required by the Park & <br /> Recreation Commission. All such parks shall be owned and maintained by the Subdivider <br /> or the project Homeowners' Association. <br /> Page 8 of 9 <br />