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Reso 2000-092
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2000-092
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Last modified
9/10/2010 4:52:32 PM
Creation date
9/10/2010 4:50:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Agmt 2000 SCS Development Company
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Inst 2000197286
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2. The Subdivider shall bear all costs of land acquisition, design and construction of Alvarado <br /> Street extension and the bridge over San Leandro Creek. The bridge shall be designed to <br /> City and Caltrans standards. A registered structural engineer retained by the City, paid for <br /> by the Subdivider, shall review the design plans for the construction of the bridge over San <br /> Leandro Creek. Prior to the approval of the first Final Map, the design of the bridge shall be <br /> approved by the City Engineer, Alameda County, the State of Califomia: Department of <br /> Fish and Game, and any other agencies having jurisdiction. <br /> 3. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the first phase of the project, the bridge shall be <br /> . completely constructed and functional, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br /> 4. The proposed cul -de -sac on Peralta Avenue shall be owned and maintained by the project <br /> Homeowners' Association. <br /> 5. Prior to the approval of the first Final Map, the design of the maintenance access to San <br /> Leandro Creek and to the existing sanitary and storm facilities, shall be approved by the <br /> City Engineer, Alameda County, and any other agencies having jurisdiction. <br /> 6. In order to mitigate the expected impact due to the repetitive use by construction vehicles, <br /> the Subdivider shall restore Alvarado Street between Davis Street and San Leandro Creek <br /> and Peralta Avenue between San Leandro Boulevard and the proposed cul -de -sac of Peralta <br /> Avenue by grinding and applying an asphalt overlay. <br /> 7. Street lighting, maintained by the Homeowners' Association, shall be provided over the <br /> entire private street system, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br /> 8. Handicap ramps shall be provided at appropriate locations, as directed by the City Engineer. <br /> C. STORM DRAINAGE <br /> 1. All storm water runoff from the project shall be collected in an underground system and <br /> conveyed to an appropriate storm drain system. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall <br /> be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer and the Alameda County Public Works <br /> Agency. <br /> 2. The Subdivider shall make necessary payments•to Alameda County Public Works Agency <br /> for their review of the drainage system and easements along their drainage facilities. <br /> 3. The Subdivider has provided a preliminary drainage analysis of the proposed flows through <br /> the existing City storm drain system through the subject property. The detailed analysis of <br /> the storm drain system and all improvements needed as a result of this analysis shall be <br /> approved by the City Engineer prior to the approval of the Final Map for Tract 7174. The <br /> Subdivider shall pay all costs of the required improvements. <br /> Page 5 of 9 <br />
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