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Municipal Election for the City of San Leandro and the statewide election to be held in <br /> the City of San Leandro on said date, and further requests the Board of Supervisors of the <br /> county of Alameda to make its order of consolidation and thereafter call said <br /> consolidated election, and to direct the Alameda County Registrar to conduct all <br /> necessary services related to said election and to bill the City for the cost of conducting <br /> said election. <br /> SECTION 4. That notice of the time and place of holding the election is given <br /> and the City Clerk is authorized, instructed and directed to give further or additional <br /> notice of the election, in time, form and manner as required by law. <br /> FURTHER, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does hereby RESOLVE <br /> as follows: <br /> 1. That arguments for and against the ballot measure submitted to the <br /> voters of the City of San Leandro to be considered at the <br /> November 7, 2000 General Municipal Election will be permitted, <br /> not to exceed 300 words in length. <br /> 2. Rebuttal arguments will be permitted and should be filed with the <br /> City Clerk and shall not exceed 250 words in length. <br /> 3. That pursuant to Section 9280 of the California Elections Code this <br /> Council hereby directs that the City Attorney prepare an impartial <br /> analysis of the measure to be placed before the electorate. <br /> 4. That arguments for and against the ballot measure must be filed in <br /> the Office of the City Clerk during regular office hours between <br /> July 28 and August 11, 2000. <br /> 5. That rebuttals to arguments for and against the ballot measure must <br /> be filed in the Office of the City Clerk during regular office hours <br /> between August 14 and August 18, 2000. <br /> 6. That no additional materials shall be authorized for submission to <br /> the City Clerk or shall be submitted by candidates to be mailed in <br /> addition to the Sample Ballot and Voters' Pamphlet. <br /> 7. That in all other respects the provisions of Section 9280 through <br /> 9283 and other provisions of law pertaining thereto shall govern. <br /> SECTION 5. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this <br /> Resolution and enter it into the book of original Resolutions. <br />