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The Joint Project Area <br />Introduction <br />As stated in the original Redevelopment Plan for the Alameda County -City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Project Area, the goal of the Proj ect is to: <br />Eliminate or reduce blight and blighted conditions presently existing in the Project Area. Blight and <br />blighted conditions include the following: <br />• Aging and dilapidated buildings <br />• Underutilized land <br />• Inadequate building /property maintenance <br />• Parcels of irregular form and shape <br />• Parcels of inadequate size <br />• Fragmented parcel ownership <br />• Incompatible uses <br />• Lack of adequate public improvements and facilities <br />• Circulation and access problems <br />In the context of California redevelopment, "blight" is a legally defined concept, referring to physical, <br />economic, and social conditions that impair private investment in the Joint Project Area, causing it to be <br />a burden to the larger community. <br />The Joint Area is a unique project area because the territory consists of land within the jurisdiction of <br />unincorporated Alameda County as well as the City of San Leandro. From 1993 through 2000, the City <br />was the lead agency for activities in the project area. In 2001, the City and County assumed lead agency <br />status for activities within their respective areas, which was memorialized by legislation passed by the <br />State. The City is responsible for the administration of the Joint Area, and the tax increment allocation to <br />each agency is governed by a revenue sharing agreement. Throughout the plan, "Joint Area" refers to the <br />City portion of the project area and "Agency" refers to the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, unless <br />otherwise specified. <br />While significant progress has been made since the Joint Area's inception in 1993, remaining examples <br />of physical blight includes dilapidated buildings, parcels of inadequate size and /or irregular shape such <br />that they are not economically useful or developable, underutilized and /or poorly maintained lots, <br />incompatible adjacent land uses, and inadequate parking facilities. <br />Examples of economic blight that continue in the Joint Area include commercial vacancies, <br />underutilized property, low commercial lease rates, stagnant commercial property values, and <br />economically obsolete buildings and lots. In addition, along the main artery of East 14th Street, there <br />exist challenges related to traffic circulation, street lighting, amenities, and overhead utility lines. <br />Bayfair Center remains a central component of the project area, although removed from the Joint Area <br />in 2001 due to an unprecedented plunge in assessed value. As the anchor for the city and county's retail <br />district on East 14th Street as well as the dominant retail center in San Leandro, Bayfair's success is <br />crucial to meeting the goals of the Plan. Bayfair is constrained by poor access to and visibility from the <br />major interstates nearby, particularly I -580 Freeway, which many shoppers use to travel to retail <br />