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a. The buildings, facilities, structures or other improvements are of primary benefit to <br /> the redevelopment project areas; and <br /> b. No other reasonable means of financing the buildings, facilities, structures, or other <br /> improvements are available to the community, including, but not limited to general obligation <br /> bonds, special assessment bonds, or Mello -Roos bonds; and <br /> c. The payment of funds for the cost of buildings, facilities, structures, or other <br /> improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project <br /> area; and <br /> d. The project is consistent with the Five Year Implementation Plan adopted by the <br /> Agency pursuant to Section 33490. <br /> WHEREAS, the San Leandro City Council has adopted the foregoing findings for the <br /> proposed Project; and <br /> WHEREAS, as more particularly described in the staff report accompanying this <br /> Resolution (the "Staff Report "), the Project will eliminate a blighted condition by replacing a <br /> parking facility for which concerns exist regarding: I) the insufficient number of parking spaces; 2) <br /> traffic circulation within the structure and entry /exit onto both Estudillo Avenue and Callan <br /> Avenue; 3) ADA accessibility; 4) security; and 5) the structure's ability to withstand a significant <br /> seismic event; and <br /> WHEREAS, as more fully described in the Staff Report, the Project will be of primary <br /> benefit to the Project Areas by providing parking to allow future development of the former <br /> Albertsons and Town Hall Square sites consistent with the City's TOD Strategy, as well as <br /> providing increased parking for shoppers and employees particularly in regards to the parking needs <br /> of existing and planned retail development, enhancing access, circulation, safety and security with a <br /> resulting projected increase in retail sales and commercial development; and <br /> WHEREAS, as more fully described in the Staff Report, the expenditure of tax increment <br /> funds for the Project is consistent with and specifically identified in the Implementation Plan <br /> adopted by the Agency pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33490, in that it furthers the <br /> parking- related goals and objectives of the Implementation Plan and upgrades the appearance of the <br /> Project Area; and <br /> WHEREAS, as more fully described in the Staff Report. Agency and City staff, having <br /> evaluated sources of funds, including without limitation, general obligation bonds, special <br /> assessment bonds, and Mello -Roos bonds, are aware of no other source of funds reasonably <br /> available to undertake the installation and construction of the Public Improvements, as tax revenue <br /> that might otherwise be available for such purposes is committed for other public projects and the <br /> provision of essential services such as police and fire services; and <br /> WHEREAS, as more fully described in the Staff Report, the City has no unrestricted <br /> general fund revenue available to undertake the construction and installation of the Public <br /> Improvements without a reduction in vital community services, and the City Council has made a <br /> finding that it does not have and cannot reasonably obtain revenue for such purposes, and therefore <br /> no other reasonable means of financing the Project exists; and <br />