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HMIS-based software InHouse. The County's consultants continue to work toward <br />building a customized program to fit DSFRC's needs. Currently, DSFRC is still in the <br />process of integrating its existing software and data into InHouse. <br />♦ Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re -Housing Program (HPRP) <br />The America Re -Investment and Recovery Action of 2009 (ARRA) included Homeless <br />Prevention and Rapid Re -Housing Program (HPRP) funds designated to provide temporary <br />financial assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services that prevent individuals and <br />families from becoming homeless or assist those who are experiencing homelessness to be <br />quickly re -housed and stabilized. Coordinating with the cities of Alameda and Hayward, <br />Alameda County Housing & Community Development Department (HCD), and service partners <br />[Building Futures with Women & Children (BFWC), Abode Services, and Davis Street Family <br />Resource Center (DSFRC)], the City co -applied for and received $1.5 million in HPRP grants. <br />BFWC served as the lead applicant and is the lead agency for this grant. Through the use of <br />these funds, a Mid -County Housing Resource Center (HRC) was established at the Davis Street <br />Family Resource Center. This HRC has been providing housing stabilization and financial <br />assistance services, which include one-time back rent payments, security deposit payments, <br />moving costs, rental assistance, back utility payments, utility deposits or payment assistance, and <br />motel vouchers, to homeless individuals and families and those at risk of homelessness since <br />November 2009. By June 30, 201 �� the HRC had prevented 290 San Leandrans (155 <br />households) from being homeless and ha used had <br />(40) San Leandrans (28 households). <br />Priority # 7. Build on inter -jurisdictional cooperation and further <br />coordination and improvement of the homeless Continuum of Care System. <br />Activities: 4^ <br />♦ Continuum of'Cure Council and Everyone Home <br />Everyone Home is a community-based organization formed to coordinate the implementation of <br />the Everyone Home Plan (formerly known as the Alameda County Homeless and Special Needs <br />Housing Plan). The Everyone Home Plan is a comprehensive blueprint to end homelessness, <br />including chronic homelessness by the year 2020, and address the housing needs of extremely <br />low income persons living with serious mental illness and or HIV/AIDS. The Plan employs five <br />(5) core strategies: <br />1. Prevent homelessness and other housing crises; <br />2. Increase housing opportunities for the Plan's target populations by 15,000 units; <br />3. Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence; <br />4. Measure success and report outcomes; <br />5. Develop long-term leadership and public support for ending homelessness. <br />Everyone Home uses the Tides Center as its fiscal agent. Like the Continuum of Care Council, <br />Everyone Home is a partnership of County agencies, cities, non -profits, consumers, and housing <br />advocates. The twenty-seven (27) member Leadership Board determines the annual <br />implementation strategy for the Everyone Home Plan and ensures the inter -agency and inter - <br />jurisdictional collaboration that has been the hallmark of Alameda County's work on confronting <br />homelessness. Members represent the Plan's original sponsoring agencies, jurisdictions of the <br />HOME Consortium, the cities of Berkeley and Oakland, housing developers, service providers, <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2009-2010 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 10 <br />