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Reso 2010-116
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-116
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9/27/2010 9:24:00 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3B Public Hearing 2010 0920
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faith and business leaders, advocates, and consumers. Everyone Home has seven (7) active <br />committees with a total membership of over 100 people representing dozens of government and <br />non-profit agencies. Everyone Home receives administrative funding through Alameda <br />County's General Fund as well as contributions from Alameda County's jurisdictions, <br />individuals, and foundations. <br />As of June 30, 2010, the Plan has been adopted by the County and fourteen (14) cities. Piedmont <br />will consider adoption this September. In addition, sixty-five (65) community-based <br />organizations have also endorsed the Everyone Home Plan and are participating in <br />implementation strategies along with the cities and county governme <br />County -wide activities during this fiscal year included: <br />• The biggest project of Everyone Home in this fiscal year as been coordinating the <br />implementation of the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re -housing funds made available <br />through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Six (6) jurisdictions in Alameda <br />County received direct allocations totaling $7.5 million, and three (3) cities and one (1) non- <br />profit received state grant awards totaling $2.9 million. In addition, Alameda County Social <br />Services Agency allocated $1 million to the program. Partners agree to create a single <br />countywide program called Priority Home Partnership (PHP). Individuals and families with <br />a housing crisis call 211 and will get referred to one (1) of seven (7) Housing Resources <br />located throughout the County—one (1) each in Berkeley, Fremont, Livermore and San <br />Leandro, and three (3) in Oakland. <br />PHP began serving clients in November 2009. Since then, 3,605 households have been <br />screened at the central entry point, the 211 Line, for either homeless assistance or prevention <br />services. 2,183 persons have been enrolled for prevention services. Assistance can include a <br />one-time payment for back rent, utilities, ongoing rental, or help relocating to more stable <br />housing without becoming homeless first. Of those 2,183 people assisted, assisted, over half <br />(1,293) have exited the program; 93% (1,197) have exited with permanent housing. Whether <br />they stayed in the housing they had or moved to something safer, more affordable or more <br />stable, all these households who were at risk of homelessness were able to avoid it with the <br />assistance of PHP. The homeless assistance component of the program served 584 persons, <br />222 of whom have exited, 67% or 149 with permanent housing. <br />• Measuring success and reporting outcomes is a key objective of the Everyone Home plan <br />and essential to implementing the new HEARTH Act coming our way. This federal <br />legislation makes numerous changes to HUD funded homeless assistance programs focusing <br />on performance measurement. As Everyone Home has been an advocate of these types of <br />outcome driven approaches, we have spent the first half of 2010 leading a community <br />process to identify the outcome measures to which providers will be held accountable and <br />established numerical benchmarks tailored to different types of programs (Emergency <br />Housing, Transitional Housing, Perm Housing/Supportive Housing, Prevention/Re-Housing, <br />Services Only, Drop -ins, Outreach, or Food Programs). The performance measures and <br />benchmarks along with the implementation strategy were unveiled at a community -wide <br />meeting on May 25, 2010 and now we are moving forward with implementation. This <br />project will begin in fiscal year 2010-2011 when funders will require all providers to track <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2009-2010 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 11 <br />
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