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and report on the measures adopted. Again, EveryOne Home will continue to coordinate this <br />effort and provide technical assistance to providers and funders in making this shift to a <br />performance based and outcomes driven system. <br />• The Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) will be a major tool in <br />implementing the Performance Management Initiative described above. Everyone Home <br />through Alameda County's Housing and Community Development Department as lead <br />agency, continues the implementation and refinement of HMIS. Staff has developed <br />reporting forms that will allow agencies to track their progress and see how we are doing as a <br />system in meeting our objectives. <br />Preliminary findings in HMIS from program year July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010 indicate <br />that EveryOne Home partners who participate in HMIS helped 1,207 households (276 <br />families, and the rest single adults) exit their programs to permanent housing. That data also <br />shows an upward trend in permanent housing exits each of the last three (3) years. See the <br />table below: <br />Program <br />Year <br />Households <br />Placed <br />%Increase <br />from Prior Year <br />7/1/07 — 6/30/08 <br />950 <br />7/1/08 — 6/30/09 <br />1,001 <br />5% <br />7/1/ 09— 6/30/10 <br />1,207 <br />21% <br />• In January 2009, EveryOne Home conducted the County's bi-annual, point in time Homeless <br />Count. It was the most comprehensive count in six (6) years. The methodology allowed for <br />capturing the hidden homeless as well as the literally homeless. And it allowed data to be <br />broken out by geographic regions as well as the entire county. The 2011 count will be a <br />smaller undertaking, not counting the hidden homeless or breaking the data into sub -regions. <br />The research will result in countywide numbers for the literally homeless and the subset of <br />homeless who are chronically homeless. The literally homeless are those staying in shelters, <br />transitional housing, the streets, or other places not meant for human habitation. The <br />chronically homeless are unaccompanied, disabled adults who have been homeless twelve <br />(12) months or more or four (4) times within the last three (3) years. Both numbers went <br />down in FY2009 -2010 by 18%, respectively. <br />Priority # 8. Increase the availability of service -enriched housing for persons <br />with special needs.:Pr <br />Activities: <br />♦ Transitional or Permanent Supportive Housing <br />• Mission Bell Apartments: Of its twenty-five (25) units targeted for very -low income <br />renters, Mission Bell has set aside several units which the Tri -City Homeless <br />Coalition (TCHC) uses to serve its clients. The property has two (2) units for Project <br />Independence, which helps very low-income youths aged out of the foster care <br />system; three (3) units for the Supportive Housing for Transition Age Youth (STAY) <br />program, which helps transition age youth adults with significant mental health <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2009-2010 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 12 <br />