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City Council Rules and Communications Committee Page ( 2 <br /> October 26, 2010 <br /> The other RV owners in the audience expressed concern that they need to frequently park <br /> their RVs in front of their homes in order to load up for a trip, and unload upon their return. <br /> The recommended regulations would not accommodate both loading/unloading, or more than <br /> one trip in the same month. <br /> The matter was continued to the next meeting. The Committee requested that the Police <br /> Chief attend the meeting, to address questions regarding the proposed ordinance changes and <br /> how the Police Department would manage the tracking of permits for overnight parking. <br /> 2. Discussion Regarding Consideration of a Ban on Polystyrene Foam Disposable Food <br /> Containers <br /> Public Works Director Mike Bakaldin asked Committee members what goals they would like <br /> an ordinance to achieve. <br /> Committee Member Prola commented that he did not want to reinvent the wheel, and would <br /> like San Leandro to adopt an ordinance similar to what other neighboring cities have passed. <br /> Committee Member Stephens expressed concern about the long -term effects of polystyrene <br /> foam on the environment. He noted that the Fremont Unified School District, where he is <br /> employed, has complied with the City of Fremont's ban of polystyrene foam. This change by <br /> the school district means eliminating 360,000 non - biodegradable packaging units. <br /> Administrative Analyst Jennifer Nassab provided a summary of other local ordinances, as <br /> well as the recent staff report presented to the Hayward City Council (available for download <br /> at http : / /www.hayward- /citygov /meetings /cca/rp /2010 /rp101210- 09.pdf). While most <br /> cities have adopted a "service ware ordinance," which allows businesses to use recyclable or <br /> compostable plastics, Ms. Nassab reported that ACI, the City's solid waste and recycling <br /> collector, does not have the ability to handle compostable plastics, or plastics other than #1 or <br /> #2. <br /> Staff also discussed the need for community outreach on such an ordinance, and involvement <br /> by the Chamber of Commerce in helping businesses understand the importance of banning <br /> these products. <br /> Committee members discussed the matter, and agreed they did not want to substitute one <br /> non - recyclable substance for another. Committee Member Stephens expressed concern that <br /> the Council would not want to pass an ordinance that is the most restrictive in the Bay Area. <br /> Committee Member Prola commented on the Zocalo Coffeehouse, which voluntarily uses all <br /> recyclable or compostable food ware. <br />