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8B Consent 2010 1115
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Packet 2010 1115
8B Consent 2010 1115
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11/22/2010 9:36:48 AM
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11/10/2010 3:26:21 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - RDA <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED AFFORDABLE <br />HOUSING REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF <br />RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR THE EDEN LODGE APARTMENT <br />PROJECT <br />WHEREAS, Eden Lodge, a California non - profit corporation ( "Eden Lodge ") 'is <br />the owner of that certain real property located at 400 Springlake Drive in the City of San <br />Leandro (the "City ") and improved with an affordable senior housing project known as <br />Eden Lodge, consisting of 143 residential units (the "Project "); <br />WHEREAS, in 2003, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro (the <br />"Agency ") provided a grant to Eden Lodge to assist it in the rehabilitation of the Project; <br />WHEREAS, in connection with the prior Agency grant, among other documents, <br />Eden Lodge and Agency executed an Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement and <br />Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the "2003 Regulatory Agreement ") which <br />restricts rents for all of the residential units in the Project at levels affordable to very low - <br />income households for a period of 55 years; <br />WHEREAS, Eden Lodge proposes to transfer the Property and the Project to <br />Eden Lodge, L.P., a limited partnership ( "Eden Lodge, L.P. ") for the purposes of <br />refinancing the Property and has requested that the Agency make certain revisions to the <br />2003 Regulatory Agreement to make it consistent with the proposed transfer and <br />refinancing; <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the 2003 Regulatory Agreement, as a condition of the <br />proposed transfer, Eden Lodge must obtain the Agency's written approval and Eden <br />Lodge, L.P. must agree to carry out Eden Lodge's obligations under the 2003 Regulatory <br />Agreement; <br />WHEREAS, to satisfy the foregoing conditions and make the requested revisions <br />to the 2003 Regulatory Agreement, Eden Lodge, L.P. and Agency staff have negotiated <br />an Amended and Restated Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of <br />Restrictive Covenants (the "Amended Regulatory Agreement "); and <br />WHEREAS, the Amended Regulatory Agreement, among other things, restricts <br />rents for 141 units in the Project at levels affordable to low- and very low- income <br />households until the year 2058. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of <br />the City of San Leandro hereby: <br />
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