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2. Presentation by PG &E Regarding City and County Gas Transmission Line <br /> Inquiries <br /> Roxanne Cruz and Rick Salaz from PG &E displayed two maps showing the transmission <br /> lines in San Leandro. Ms. Cruz explained that PG &E meets with the fire department and <br /> first responders regarding the valve locations throughout the City. She distributed a <br /> general information handout regarding Gas Pipeline Information. She explained that <br /> PG &E has a website and an 800 number for residents to call with their concerns <br /> regarding gas transmission lines that are within 200 feet of their home. A Top 100 At- <br /> Risk Lines list was also included in the handout and Ms. Cruz explained that the <br /> information was submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). San <br /> Leandro does not have a line on the Top 100 At -Risk Lines list. The handout also <br /> included a copy of the Press Release regarding the 2020 Pipeline Plan that was provided <br /> to the community which explains remote valves being installed in areas that are deemed <br /> appropriate. <br /> Discussion ensued. Mayor Santos asked when pipelines were last inspected and what do <br /> the conditional reports suggest. Rick Salaz stated that programs are in place so that lines <br /> and valves are inspected every month. Programs are also in place for leaks, which are <br /> very uncommon. Councilmember Souza asked at what point PG &E knows if any lines <br /> are in danger. Mr. Salaz explained that lines are monitored and subject to audits and <br /> troubleshooting. <br /> Uche Udemezue stated that the City is looking for a level of comfort regarding the lines <br /> within the city, and asked if there is an index that lists the condition of the lines we have <br /> in San Leandro. Mr. Salaz explained that the Top 100 List is exactly that. Records of <br /> every segment of pipe go into a file which includes photos, and stays there forever. Uche <br /> asked if there was a place on the PG &E website where residents could access the list and <br /> know the condition of the pipes. Mr. Salaz stated that Homeland Security prohibits that <br /> information for safety reasons. <br /> Further discussion ensued. Problems on the Bancroft Avenue project were discussed. <br /> Steve Hollister stated that there was a problem turning the valve off when the problem <br /> occurred on Bancroft. Mr. Salaz stated that PG &E has a Valve Maintenance Program so <br /> that valves are checked every month and that maintenance is on- going. Councilmember <br /> Souza asked how PG &E is dealing with the challenge of perception from residents. Ms. <br /> Cruz stated that PG &E is being as transparent as possible. They are doing presentations, <br /> providing press releases, talking to residents and sharing as much information as possible. <br /> Ken Joseph stated that PG &E is invited to construction meetings, but that the <br /> representatives have yet to attend. He explained that staff would like to coordinate with <br /> PG &E when doing projects. Ms. Cruz stated that the requests may not be getting into the <br /> right hands. Mayor Santos suggested contacting proper sources and letting PG &E staff <br /> know that they are needed at the construction meetings. <br />