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NEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IN1PROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2010 <br /> Business Improvement District Overview <br /> In FY 2008 -09. the City Council re- established the BID for another five year period. as <br /> previously explained in this report. <br /> In previous years the BID typically generates between $135,000 to $145.000 for LINKS <br /> operations and administrative costs with the exception of last year's total which amounted to <br /> only $119.247. As part of the BID process. the City Council has appointed two City staff <br /> designees and three to five business representatives to serve on the West San Leandro Shuttle <br /> Business Improvement District Advisory Board (Advisory l3oard) to review the performance of <br /> the LINKS, the specific program supported by the West San Leandro Shuttle Business <br /> Improvement District. <br /> The five- to seven - member Advisory Board appointed by the San Leandro City Council includes <br /> the City's Engineering and Transportation Director and the Director of Finance (or their <br /> designees) along with three to five business representatives of businesses within the BID and <br /> paying the 1311) assessment. The business members appointed to the Advisory Board are Dora <br /> Wong of Coca Cola Bottling Company. Geza Paulovitz of Eric F. Anderson. Inc.. Joyce Lee, <br /> The North Face. and Alexandra Munoz. Peterson Companies. The Advisory Board's duties <br /> include a review of the performance of LINKS for FY 2009 -10. a review of the budget for FY <br /> 2010 -11 and a recommendation for the FY 2010 -1 1 BID assessments. <br /> Business Improvement District Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Assessment <br /> With respect to the BID assessment for FY 2010-11. the Advisory Board recommends that the <br /> San Leandro City Council maintain the $25 base fee and the assessment of $10.88 per employee, <br /> specifically in light of the continuing downturn in the economy. The BID fee per employee has <br /> remained flat since 2005 when it was adjusted by the Consumer Price Index. This year. it is <br /> anticipated that the BID will generate $120.000. approximately 35%. of the total LINKS <br /> operating budget. The remaining operating funds will come from grants and a nominal amount <br /> from the Agency to fund the budget gap that has occurred with the delay in the expected grant <br /> funding. <br /> EXHIBIT A — Ridership Statistics <br /> EXIiIBIT B — Route Map <br /> C:V)NITfila kl)A\WSI, MacAnhv AmuJNKS Sramk),wv;v,ry (7ammw'cc)I0IO -E0I1 Annual kepnUnuiI Itcpn Final 2v.& <br /> 61 Page <br />