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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2011 - <br /> A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOSAL TO ABOLISH <br /> REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES IN CALIFORNIA <br /> WHEREAS, as part of its 2011 -12 budget proposal, the Governor has proposed <br /> permanently abolishing California's more than 400 local redevelopment agencies; and <br /> WHEREAS, this proposal will harm the California economy and represents a clear <br /> violation of the intent of the voters, as evidenced by the passage of Proposition 22 in November <br /> 2010 when an overwhelming 61% of voters elected to stop State raids of local government funds, <br /> including redevelopment funds; and <br /> WHEREAS, this proposal will bring very little financial benefit to the State. According <br /> to the State Controller's Office, redevelopment agencies have more than $87 billion in bond and <br /> other contractual obligations that legally must be repaid before revenues are available to any <br /> other purpose; and <br /> WHEREAS, throughout California, redevelopment activities support 304,000 jobs <br /> annually, including 170 construction jobs, contribute over $40 billion annually to <br /> California's economy in the generation of goods and services, and generate more than $2 billion <br /> in state and local taxes in a typical year; and <br /> WHEREAS, redevelopment projects identified in San Leandro's Five Year <br /> Implementation Plan for 2010 -2014 are projected to leverage roughly 5120 million in private <br /> investment, generating an estimated 750 construction jobs, 700 permanent jobs, 51.3 million in <br /> annual property tax and 52.1 million in annual sales tax, while leveraging over 5150 million in <br /> private investment; and <br /> WHEREAS, this proposal will eliminate San Leandro's sole tool for local economic <br /> development and business assistance including the support for small businesses through the <br /> Commercial Rehabilitation Program, support of manufacturing jobs through the Industrial <br /> Competitiveness Program support for business associations, downtown revitalization efforts <br /> and the Farmers' Market, among other programs; and <br /> WHEREAS, eliminating redevelopment will take away one of the few tools local <br /> governments have to comply with state requirements to plan for more compact urban <br /> development, specifically impacting San Leandro's Transit Oriented Development <br /> implementation and its ability to positively impact successful achievement of greenhouse gas <br /> reduction goals and the Climate Action Plan; and <br /> WHEREAS, eliminating redevelopment will severely impact San Leandro's very <br /> successful program of affordable housing development. Redevelopment agencies are the second <br /> largest fonder of affordable housing in California behind only the federal government, <br /> responsible for over 98,000 units of affordable housing since 1993. In San Leandro, <br /> redevelopment funding has contributed to the completion of Broadmoor Plaza, Fuller Gardens, <br />