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City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee <br /> January 12, 2011 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Superintendent Cathey handed out the tentative list (attached) of various school celebratory <br /> events for the Martin Luther King holiday. She suggested if anyone wanted to attend any <br /> of these events to please call the District office to confirm location and time. <br /> Mayor Cassidy recommended the posting of all such events on the District's website <br /> calendar. <br /> 3. Update on Measure M <br /> a) Review of How City and District Worked on Measure B <br /> Superintendent Cathey stated that the City and District are still collaborating on a number <br /> of joint Measure B and other projects. She said the City was instrumental in working with <br /> conceptual design team and attending public meetings for input. She also stated that the <br /> joint efforts resulted in the enormous amount of matching funds from the state. She is <br /> looking forward to working as a team on the new Measure M funded projects. <br /> b) Timeline for Measure M <br /> Superintendent Cathey presented several handouts (attached) in regards to Measure M (i.e., <br /> project list, timeline, top ten questions and answers), which were presented at a recent <br /> School Board meeting. She stated that it is estimated that all Measure M projects should be <br /> completed within four years. <br /> c) Design Committee Process for Measure M and Role the City Can Play Within It <br /> A discussion ensued on the City involvement in future Measure M projects. City Manager <br /> Hollister stated that the Engineering and Transportation Department staff would have a <br /> better idea of the City's role in future projects. Board President Mack -Rose commented <br /> that this would be a great opportunity to involve the City, not only for construction related <br /> activities, but with the Recreation -Human Services Department for scheduling and <br /> managing. It was agreed by all that now is the time to have both staffs meet and discuss <br /> the entire project. <br /> d) Joint Use Possibility for Measure M <br /> Councilmember Cutter suggested that perhaps City CIP projects could dovetail with some <br /> Measure M projects. Board Chair Katz - Lacabe commented that the City's involvement <br /> was critical with the SLHS gymnasium project and that the City's involvement is very <br /> important and necessary for making sure the projects are successful. A discussion ensued <br /> on future joint use possibilities between the District and the City. Councilmember Gregory <br /> agreed with the idea of a joint use list of projects, and Councilmember Cutter suggested <br /> sharing scheduling of projects and perhaps looking at other funding sources /opportunities <br /> like installation of solar lights to generate funds. Mayor Cassidy suggested that City staff <br />