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City Council Rules and Communications Committee P a g e 1 4 <br /> January 27, 2011 <br /> commented that he was pleased that the City Council meeting audio will be made available, but stated <br /> that he was not a big fan of video streaming. <br /> The Committee requested that this matter be brought back for review at the end of the year. <br /> 6. Administrative Code for Information Technology Systems <br /> This item was removed from consideration. <br /> 7. Website Enhancement Update <br /> Ms. Fowler reported that a community survey of the City website revealed that visitors to the site <br /> wanted the home page to be more dynamic. Mayor Cassidy also offered some suggestions for <br /> improving the site. Based on this input, staff has implemented some changes to the website. <br /> Chair Cassidy commented that his motivation for the suggestions was to make the site more useful to <br /> residents. Ms. Fowler noted that the website changes suggested by Mayor Cassidy resulted in a 15% <br /> increase in the number of "hits" on the City Council agenda. Another of Mayor Cassidy's suggestions <br /> was to replace the Quick Link to the "City Council" page to the "City Council Agenda" page instead. <br /> This suggestion has yet to be implemented, as it is a functional change, and staff asked for the <br /> Committee's consensus to move forward. There was no consensus from the Committee to make the <br /> change. Chair Cassidy requested that staff bring a proposal to the Committee for soliciting community <br /> input for improvements to the website. He suggested that information on how to participate be <br /> provided to the Council, to distribute to interested residents. <br /> 8. Discussing Regarding Prioritization of the Following Items: <br /> • Creation of a City Council Sustainability Committee - The Committee requested staff bring this <br /> matter back at the July meeting. It was suggested that this be a standing committee of the Council, <br /> dealing with the issues of climate change, energy usage and waste diversion. <br /> • Board and Commission Terms – The Committee recommended no change to the current board <br /> and commission terms. <br /> • Change to Council Agenda Format to Add a "Calendar" Item <br /> Committee Recommendation: <br /> The Committee recommends that the City Council regular agenda format be modified to add <br /> "Calendar" to Item 11 —City Council Reports and Announcements, to announce upcoming events of <br /> mutual interest to members, and to coordinate attendance at events requiring Council's presence. <br /> • 2011 Update of Councilmembers Handbook – The Committee assigned this item a low priority. <br />