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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2011- <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND CALLING FOR BIDS <br /> FOR THE ROOF REPLACEMENT AND ACCESSORIES (YEAR 3) PROJECT, PROJECT <br /> NO. 09-687-18-104 <br /> Finding <br /> The City Council of the City of San Leandro has reviewed and considered the Categorical <br /> Exemption prepared for the Roof Replacement and Accessories (Year 3) project, Project No. 09- <br /> 687 -08 -104, and any comments received, and hereby finds that the project will not have a <br /> significant impact on the environment. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br /> follows: <br /> That the Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans for said project are hereby <br /> approved. And it is further <br /> RESOLVED, that bids are hereby called for and the City Clerk is hereby directed to <br /> publish notice thereof once in the official newspaper of this City. <br /> Said bids shall be submitted to the office of the City Clerk on or before the date and time <br /> specified in the public notice, at which such specified date, time, and place said bids will be <br /> publicly opened and read. Said bids, after being publicly opened and read, will be calculated by <br /> the Engineering and Transportation Director. The results of the bidding and the calculation of <br /> the Engineering and Transportation Director will be reported to the City Council at its regular <br /> meeting thereafter. <br /> Introduced by Councilmember and passed and adopted <br /> this 22nd day of February 2011, by the following called vote: <br /> Members of the Council: <br /> AYES: <br /> NOES: <br /> ABSENT: <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Marian Handa, City Clerk <br /> G: \_Council Items In Process \FEB 22\Roofing Repl & Repairs 09-10 - P &S Roof Replacement & Accessories (Year 3) P &S RES.Docx <br />