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Roof Replacement and Accessories (Year 3) - <br /> P&S and Call for Bids 2 February 22, 2011 <br /> Current City Council Policy <br /> Maintenance of existing City's infrastructure to desirable standard. <br /> Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> On July 21, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008 -088, the City Council approved a consultant services <br /> agreement with Skyline Engineering, Inc. for the design of Phase III of the Reroofing Program. <br /> Applicable General Plan Policy <br /> Policy 52.07 - Provide on -going maintenance of City -owned property. <br /> Permits and/or Variances Granted <br /> A Building Permit will be obtained. <br /> Environmental Review <br /> California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption has been filed with Alameda County, <br /> pursuant to Section 15302 "Replacement or Reconstruction ". <br /> Fiscal Impact <br /> • The total estimated cost of the Roof Replacement and Accessories (Year 3) project is <br /> $283,000, including staff time <br /> • Construction costs are estimated at $225,000 <br /> Budget Authority <br /> The improvements will be funded using General Funds allocated for building maintenance <br /> approved in CIP Account No. 210 -18 -104. <br /> Tracy Vesely, Fina Director <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> Staff recommends approval of plans and specifications and call for bids for the subject project. <br /> G: \_Council Items In Process\FEB Mooting Repl & Repairs 09-10 - P &S\Roof Replacement & Accessories (Year 3) P &S MEM.Docx <br />