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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -058 <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> SAN LEANDRO APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL <br /> PROPERTY FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF <br /> THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND AUTHORIZING THE <br /> EXECUTION OF DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT <br /> AGREEMENT WITH THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF <br /> THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ("Agency") is a <br /> redevelopment agency formed, existing and exercising its powers pursuant to California <br /> Community Redevelopment Law, Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq. ( "CRL "); <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro ( "City Council ") established <br /> the Alameda County - City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project, the West San <br /> Leandro /MacArthur Project, and the Plaza Redevelopment Project (the "Project Areas ") and <br /> adopted the Redevelopment Plans for the Project Areas (the "Redevelopment Plans "); <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to CRL Section 33205, the Agency is authorized to delegate to the <br /> City of San Leandro (`City) any of the powers or functions of the Agency with respect to the <br /> undertaking of a redevelopment project, and the City is authorized to carry out and perform such <br /> powers and functions; <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to CRL Sections 33220 and 33437, the City is authorized to (i) <br /> acquire land from the Agency, (ii) become obligated to use the acquired property for the <br /> purposes specified in the Redevelopment Plans, and (iii) comply with the covenants, conditions <br /> and restrictions imposed by the Agency in conjunction with the transfer in order to prevent <br /> speculation and carry out the purposes of the CRL and the Redevelopment Plans; <br /> WHEREAS, City and Agency staff have negotiated the terms and conditions under <br /> which the Agency would transfer, and the City would acquire, the following real property <br /> ("Property ") located in or adjacent to the Project Areas for use and redevelopment consistent <br /> with the Redevelopment Plans: Aladdin Avenue (APN: 079A- 0295- 002 -17), Carpentier Street <br /> (APN: 075- 0036- 058 -00), 212 Davis Street (APN: 075- 0001 - 005 -00), 222 Davis Street (APN: <br /> 075 -0001- 006 -00), 250 Davis Street (APN: 075 -0001- 008 -02), 290 Davis Street (APN: 075- <br /> 0001- 010 -02), 2512 Davis Street (APN: 077A- 0649 - 008 -25), 1199 E. 14 Street (APN: 075- <br /> 0001- 004 -00), 1433 E. 14 Street (APN: 077 - 0545 - 018 -00), 1550 E. 14 Street (APN: 077- <br /> 0540- 009 -00), 14901 E. 14 Street (APN: 077D- 1499 -001), 2101 Marina Boulevard (APN: <br /> 079A -0568- 005 -00), 268 Parrot Street (APN: 075- 0005 -012- 00), 1193 Warden Avenue (APN: <br /> 077A- 0655 - 001 -00), 1446 Washington Avenue (APN: 077- 0545- 025 -00), 1490 Washington <br /> Avenue (APN: 077 - 0545- 024 -01), 1595 Washington Avenue (APN: 075- 0005 - 011 -01), <br />