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San Leandro Marina Alts Study_Final
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 0321
San Leandro Marina Alts Study_Final
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6/5/2019 11:03:07 AM
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3/15/2011 1:17:03 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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SECTION 1 <br />Introduction <br />1.1 Purpose of the Study <br />The City of San Leandro is considering redevelopment options for the San Leandro Marina Harbor <br />and Shoreline Recreation Area, which are generally located on the east shore of the San Francisco <br />Bay between the City of Oakland to the north and the City of Hayward to the south. The redevelopment <br />would include the Harbor Basin (which would be undertaken by the City) as well as the surrounding <br />shoreline areas (which would be undertaken by a private developer, possibly Cal -Coast Development, <br />LLC, whose preliminary plan is discussed in Section 4 of this report). <br />The intent of this report is to assist the City of San Leandro in determining what types of uses would <br />be appropriate for the Marina Harbor Basin, should the City permanently discontinue dredging its <br />Marina basin and federally -authorized entrance Channel, reconfigure the harbor to be able to <br />serve smaller vessels (such as kayaks, for instance), and redevelop its Marina and surrounding areas <br />to serve the City's residents, given that the continued operations of a 465 -berth boat harbor is <br />not financially feasible. Although historically the federal Channel was dredged approximately <br />every four to five years and the Marina berthing areas every seven to eight years, a full dredge <br />has not occurred since 1997 due to lack of funding, specifically federal assistance, which the City <br />has historically received from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the federal Channel received a <br />partial dredge, 5 feet plus 1 foot, in the fall of 2009). This Alternatives Study sets out to identify a <br />range of practicable options (Section 2, Alternatives Considered) and describes them <br />independently. Before contrasting them with each other, Section 3 Dredged Materials Disposal <br />Concept offers an approach that could serve to postpone a final disposition of the Harbor Basin. <br />Finally, the alternatives are compared in a systematic way across different evaluation categories <br />for the City's decision-making process (Section 4, Alternatives Compared). <br />Although the City ultimately seeks to redevelop a much larger area, the primary study area being <br />considered in this report is the San Leandro Harbor Basin. In addition, this study considers the <br />Dredged Materials Management Site (DMMS) and the South Basin as auxiliary components of <br />future development options (Section 5, Alternatives for Future Use of the DMI1,S). All of the <br />sub -areas are described in more detail below and are illustrated in Figure 1-1 on the following page. <br />1.2 Sub -Area Descriptions <br />The various sub -areas analyzed throughout this study are described below. <br />San Leandro Marina Harbor Basin ESA / 210461 <br />Alternatives Study March 2011 <br />
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