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2013 RTP and 2012 CWTP 3 April 4, 2011 <br /> DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS <br /> The City's General Plan, the General Plan's Transportation Element, the Downtown Transit - <br /> Oriented Development Strategy and the East 14 South Area Strategy move the City toward <br /> improved mobility in San Leandro by reducing dependence on single occupancy vehicles. The <br /> emphasis of the Transportation Element is on providing more diverse transportation options and <br /> making sure these options are convenient, safe, and affordable. The General Plan's land use and <br /> community design policies reinforce the Transportation Element by promoting a development <br /> pattern where public transit, bicycling, and walking can be more easily supported. The General <br /> Plan and Transportation Element present traffic forecasts for 2015, providing the basis for a list <br /> of recommended improvements. <br /> Like the iM - TC, one of the first priorities set by the General Plan Advisory Committee's <br /> Transportation Subcommittee was to ensure that the City's plans and programs recognize the <br /> link between transportation and land use. In practice, this means encouraging more compact <br /> development around transit stations and major bus lines, integrating a variety of land uses within <br /> new projects, and ensuring that the urban environment is designed first and foremost for people <br /> rather than cars. These are similar to the priorities that the MTC and ACTC will use to distribute <br /> funds that come into the region. If our projects reflect these priorities, the likelihood for funding <br /> will increase. Additionally, under SB 375 each region must develop an SCS that promotes <br /> compact, mixed -use commercial and residential development that is walkable and bikable and <br /> close to mass transit jobs, schools, shopping, parks, recreation and other amenities and <br /> incentives through funding implementation of these priorities. <br /> The City's General Plan identified the following projects: <br /> Project Funding Source Timing Lead Agency <br /> Widening of 1 -238 from four to eight lanes (CMP) Measure B 2CO3 Caltrans <br /> Widening of Marina Blvd. to six lanes from Federal and /or 2003.2004 City of San Leandro <br /> Teagarden Street to San Leandro Blvd. State Grants <br /> Southern extension of Westgate Parkway to Measure B 2004 City of San Leandro <br /> Williams Street (CMP) <br /> Geometric improvements and signal interconnects Measure B 2005 City of San Leandro <br /> at the East 14th /Hesperian /150th Ave 'triangle." (CMP) <br /> 1-880 ramp improvements at Washington Avenue Caftans 2003 Caftans <br /> and Beatrice Avenue. (CMP) <br /> New southbound right turn lone from Hesperian to Measure B 2003 City of San Leandro <br /> Lewelling, and additional westbound lane to 1 -238 <br /> on -ramp. (CMP) <br /> West San Leandro Plan Improvments: DFSI By 2010 City of San Leandro <br /> ■ Improve Eden Road and extend west /southwest Grants <br /> to Davis Street. Redevelopment <br /> ■ Signalize the Eden /Doolittle intersection Project Funds <br /> ■ Extend Polvorosa Avenue west from Aurora <br /> to Neptune <br /> • Terminate Aurora and Neptune in cul-de -sacs <br /> north of Williams (to prevent through -truck traffic) <br />