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Inst 2011078201
City Clerk
City Council
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Inst 2011078201
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4/14/2011 2:35:50 PM
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4/14/2011 2:35:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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2.04.030 <br /> 9. Dispose of real property acquired by the ment Agency for the portion of the project area <br /> agency in the project area except property con- within the unincorporated territory of the <br /> veyed to it by the city or county. county of Alameda. For purposes of Section <br /> 10. Encourage the redevelopment of the pro- 2.32.020 (Tax Increments), "Agency" means <br /> ject area through the cooperation of private en- the city of San Leandro Redevelopment <br /> terprise and public agencies. In the unincorpo- Agency for the entire project area (subject to <br /> rated sections of the project area. The county sharing of tax increments with the Alameda <br /> will be the lead entity in implementing all pro- County Redevelopment Agency in accordance <br /> jects and programs in this redevelopment plan. with any separate agreement between the city <br /> B. The project area contains a substantial of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency and <br /> area within the city's boundaries and a substan- the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency). <br /> tial area in the unincorporated county. Both the "Agency board" means the governing body <br /> city and county portions of the project area are of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency for <br /> characterized by significant blighting condi- the portion of the project area that is within the <br /> tions that require substantial redevelopment city of San Leandro and the board of directors <br /> efforts by the agency. It is intended that the of the Alameda County Redevelopment <br /> agency will perform its activities in a manner Agency for the portion of the project area that <br /> that will promote the goals of the city general is within the unincorporated territory of Ala- <br /> plan and other city policies within the city por- meda County. <br /> tion of the project area, and that promote the "Board of supervisors" means the board of <br /> goals of the county general plan, pending Ash- supervisors of the county of Alameda. <br /> land Cherryland business district specific plan "Bonds" means bonds, notes, interim certifi- <br /> and other county policies within the unincorpo- cates, debentures, or other obligations. <br /> rated portion of the project area. It is further "City" means the city of San Leandro, Cali - <br /> intended that the agency will devote equal fornia. <br /> budgetary staff, and policy resources to the city "City council" means the city council of the <br /> portion and the unincorporated portion of the city of San Leandro, California. <br /> project area over the life of the plan and over "Community" means the city of San Lean - <br /> discrete implementation periods (e.g. three year dro for the portion of the project area that is <br /> planning periods). (Ord. 93 -012 § 101, 1993) within the city of San Leandro and the county <br /> of Alameda for the portion of the project area <br /> 2.04.030 General definitions. that is within the unincorporated territory of the <br /> The following references will be used gener- county of Alameda. <br /> ally in this plan unless the context otherwise County" means the county of Alameda <br /> requires: California. <br /> "Agency" means, with the exception set "Development code" means the develop <br /> forth in the following sentence, the city of San ment code of the city of San Leandro or Ala - <br /> Leandro Redevelopment Agency for the por- meda County as it now exists or may hereafter <br /> tion of the project area within the city of San be amended. <br /> Leandro and the Alameda County Redevelop - <br /> (San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 9 -02) 66 <br />
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