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2.04.010 <br /> Chapter 2.04 recreational and other facilities incidental or <br /> appurtenant to them. The agency further pro - <br /> INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS AND poses to eliminate the conditions of blight ex- <br /> DEFE tITIONS isting in the project area and prevent their re- <br /> Sections: currence by providing for the alteration, im- <br /> 2.04.010 Introduction. provement, modernization, reconstruction or <br /> 2.04.020 Purposes and objectives. rehabilitation of existing structures in the pro - <br /> 2.04.030 General definitions. ject area and by providing for open space types <br /> 2.04.040 Project area boundaries. of uses,.public and private buildings, structures, <br /> 2.04.050 Proposed development facilities, and improvements. The agency fur - <br /> actions. ther proposes to eliminate such conditions and <br /> • prevent their recurrence by providing for the <br /> 2.04.010 Introduction. replanning or redesign or development of un- <br /> The redevelopment plan for the Alameda developed areas. The agency proposes to: <br /> County/City of San Leandro redevelopment 1. Encourage employment opportunities <br /> project consists of this title, the redevelopment through environmental and economic im- <br /> project area map (Attachment A), the land use provements resulting from the redevelopment <br /> map (Attachment B), the legal description of activities. <br /> the project area boundary (Attachment C), and 2. Provide for the rehabilitation of com- <br /> the' list of public improvement projects (At- mercial structures and residential dwelling <br /> tachment D). The county of Alameda and city units. <br /> of San Leandro are cooperating in this joint 3. Provide for participation in the redevel- <br /> effort to upgrade the selected project area. opment of property in the project area by own - <br /> (Ord. 93 -012 § 100, 1993) ers who agree to so participate in conformity <br /> with this redevelopment plan. <br /> 2.04.020 Purposes and objectives. 4. Provide for the management of property <br /> A. The purpose and objectives of this rede- owned or acquired by the agency. <br /> velopment plan are to eliminate the conditions 5. Provide relocation assistance where <br /> of blight existing in the project area and to pre- agency activities result in displacement <br /> vent the recurrence of blighting conditions in 6. Provide .public infrastructure improve - <br /> the project area. The agency, with the active menu and community facilities, such as the <br /> efforts of the county, proposes to eliminate installation, construction and/or reconstruction <br /> such conditions and prevent their recurrence by of streets, utilities, public buildings, facilities, <br /> providing, pursuant to this plan, for the plan- structures, street lighting, landscaping and <br /> ning, development, replanning, redesign, clear- other improvements which are necessary far the <br /> ance, redevelopment, reconstruction and reha- effective redevelopment of the project area. <br /> bilitation of the project area and by providing Improve and increase the community's <br /> for such structures and spaces as may be ap- supply of affordable housing. <br /> propriate or necessary in the interest of the g Acquire real property and encourage <br /> general welfare, including, without limitation, consolidation of parcels. <br /> 65 (San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 9 -02) <br />