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DRAFT MINUTES Page 5 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — April 18, 2011 <br />F. Resolution No. 2011 -074 Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for the Annual Street Sealing 2010 -11 Project, Project No. 10- 144 -38 -323 <br />(provides for the application of slurry seal or asphalt ribber cape seal on various <br />streets). <br />G. Resolution No. 2011 -075 Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling <br />for Bids for the 2660 Eden Road Remediation Project, Project No. 10- 593 -52 -249 <br />(provides for the excavation of contaminated soil and disposal at a landfill facility). <br />H. Resolution No. 2011 -076 Resolution Accepting the Work for the East 14 Street <br />(State Route (SR) -185) Medians Project, Project No. 06- 150 -38 -228, Federal Aid <br />Project No. HP21L- 5041(029) (provides for acceptance of work from Joseph J. <br />Albanese, Inc., filing of Notice of Completion, and release of bonds). <br />L Resolution No. 2011 -077 Resolution Accepting the Work for the 2660 Eden Road <br />Grading and Dirt Disposal Project, Project No. 09- 593 -52 -216 (provides for acceptance <br />of work from Granite Rock Company, filing of Notice of Completion, and release of <br />bonds). <br />J. ADOPT: Resolution Appropriating Matching Funds Towards a 2011 -12 Bicycle <br />Transportation Account [BTA] Grant Project (appropriates $55,600 matching funds to <br />implement the bicycle network in support of the San Leandro Priority Development <br />Areas by placing Class H bike lanes and Class III bike routes in selected locations in <br />conformance with the City's recently adopted Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and <br />Design Guidelines). (Moved to Item 9, Items Removed from Consent Calendar.) <br />K. Resolution No. 2011 -078 Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. <br />OH92 Rev. 000 to Administering Agency -State Master Agreement No. 00218S for the <br />Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program, Bancroft Avenue /136 Avenue Traffic Signal <br />Proj ect, State Proj ect No. SR2 SL- 5041(03 8), and Appropriation of Grant and Developer <br />Fees for Street Improvement [DFSI] Funds (accepts state funding and obligates the City <br />to provide $46,850 matching funds for the subject project). <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br />8.C.1. City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting of March <br />31, 2011. Accepted as submitted. <br />Councilmember Souza inquired about the purpose of the Technical Advisory <br />Committee [TAC], and about the TAC's discussion of Measure M projects. Deputy <br />City Manager Jacqui Diaz indicated that the TAC was a staff -level committee <br />providing technical assistance to the community design teams working on Burrell <br />