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Dog Walking Park — Award of Contract 3 May 2, 2011 <br /> Board /Commission Findings <br /> • • December 2009, the Recreation and Park Commission (RAPC) submitted recommendations <br /> to the City Council to use part of the Measure WW grant funds and Park Development Fee <br /> (PDF) funds to fund the dog park project <br /> • September 2009, City Council directed RAPC to determine the best use of WW and PDF <br /> funds by including public input <br /> • October 2008, RAPC sent a letter to City Council with its findings <br /> • September 2007, City Council directed RAPC to research the feasibility of a Dog Park <br /> Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br /> • Plans were provided to the Four Paws Society for comment and presented to the RAPC on <br /> March 2. 2011 <br /> • A Public Notice was posted at the project site for 30 days in December 2010 in compliance <br /> with the application for a BCDC permit <br /> • A Public Meeting was held at the project site on June 21, 2008 <br /> Fiscal Impact <br /> The total construction cost is estimated at $168,000. <br /> • <br /> Public Works Services estimates the annual maintenance cost of this project at $21,849. <br /> 13udgct Authority <br /> The project was included in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in both the 2009 -2010 and <br /> 2010 -2011 fiscal years, and a total amount of $362,000 has been funded in CIP Account No. <br /> 122 -38 -314 for completion of this project. <br /> � I <br /> Tracy Vesely, Finagce Director <br /> CONCLUSION <br /> Staff recommends award of contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Blossom Valley <br /> Construction, in the amount of $167,753.00. <br /> G:1_Council Items In Proccss\MAY 02 \Dog Walking Park - AWARD\Dog Nark - AWARD MEM.Doc <br />