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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 9, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES. The following lees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC(, San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> _I Description 1 Current Foe IReleronce FY 2011.12 Proposed Foes <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT — Planning Division <br /> 5 Appeal Fees — Zoning Applications (Non - Refundable) ISLAC 5.1.100 - <br /> A. Administrative Approvals, Zoning Enforcement Official Actions and Interpretations $500,00 8507.00 CPI <br /> B. Board of Zoning Adjustments. Planning Convnission, Site Development Sub commission 1500 plus Dime Costs (2) if appellant is applicant. 507 plus_. <br /> (see also City Clerk) <br /> CPI <br /> 8500.00 if appellant is not applicant. 507 plus... CPI <br /> C. Notice of Violation appeal foe 1500.00 plus Direct Costs (2) i1 appellant 3 applicant. SLMC 1.17 1 <br /> 8500.00 if appellant is not applicant. 507 plus... CP/ <br /> 9 Conversion Fees: <br /> A. Residential apartment buildings to candominlums 54 450.00 84,512.00 CP/ <br /> B. Non - Residential complexes to InoNiauai unit or condominium ownership Direct Costs (2) 1 <br /> 7 A. Ran Chock for Buckling 559.00 960.00 CPI <br /> B. Ran Check for Bieldtg - Additional Direct Costs (2) <br /> 8 Legal Recovery Fee Community Devebpmnl Department applications and otter Cost Recovery <br /> eSgido legal services panan.d by ate City Attorneys Once ma be thieved the <br /> feavwmg odes: <br /> 5250.00- $400.00. — Attorney tom <br /> 8125.03Mr. — Paralegal lime <br /> 9 Blueprint Fees (sae also Engfnoenng 4 Transportation Dept.) 81000 for first sheet end 32.00 for each sheet thereafter plus Direct Costs <br /> (2) <br /> 10 Long Range Punning Fees <br /> A. Single Family Units $122.00 8124.00 CPI <br /> B. Mufti - Famly Urdu 361.00 862.00 CPI <br /> C. Commercial & Indusmal Units 10.12/sq. ft. <br /> 11 Manning Commission 6 Board of Zoning Adjustments: Subscriptions <br /> A. Agenda S 20.00 per year <br /> a. Minutes 8 7500 per year 878.00 par <br /> year CPI <br /> 12 Exception to Noise Ordinance 5390.00 8395.00 CPI <br /> 13 General Ran Amendment Direct Costs (2) <br /> 14 Development Agreements Direct Costs (2) <br /> (2) Dirac* Costs/Planning: Hourly personnel charpo plus a factor 01 3316 for benefits, 83% fur Indfroct ovarhoad chnrgos and 89% for staff support changes. <br /> a1BU0GET2011•I1F.en2012 Proximo F... Matto S hM..du Ia 4/770011 <br />