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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 6. Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC). San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAG) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee !Reference FY 2011 -12 Proposed Foes <br /> ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT <br /> 1 General Encroachment SLMC 5.1.225 <br /> A. PemIll $65,011 <br /> 8.1 Inspection/Plan Review0Pemdl Issuance Diced Costs (1) <br /> 8.2 Permit • Inspection Fee 3215= 385 (Permit) • 3150 (Inspection) <br /> (For estimated Inspection Requirements e 1 12 Hours 09 determined by <br /> City Engineer) <br /> C. Trench Damage/Penalty Fee 31.50/square a. of trench for streets under 2 ys. old <br /> 31.25/square a. of trench for seeets over 2 M. old <br /> O. Inspection/Searnty/Ptan Review Deposit As determined by City Engineer to insure worms. I4gh quskly meek" and m saver <br /> estimmted inapedion costs and plan mview cost <br /> E, No Primal Penalty Fee Wade Insl>adim Fee and Perms Fm <br /> F. Sidewalk Inspection: <br /> — 100% Property Owaer Work Cost of Work • 15% of Coat of Work pedanrod by City Contractor <br /> — Neighborhood Improvement Program 15% of costs of work performed by City Contractor <br /> — Annual Sidewalk Repair Program No Cost <br /> G. Agreement Deed Costs (1) <br /> H, Overhead Banner Installation and Removal 1150.00 <br /> I. News Hack Peril 155.00 • 55.50 per news rack <br /> Maintenance Deposit 3100.00 • 35.00 per news cock <br /> 2 Subdivision: <br /> A. Parcel Map WatverlLot Line Adjustments or Certificate of Compliance Direct Costs (1): 51.600 iNtial deposit <br /> B. Parcel Map Direct Costs (1): 54,000 plus 3100 per lot initial deposit <br /> C. Tentative/Final Map Direct Costs (1) <br /> D. Subdvision Improvement Plan Review Direct Costs (I) <br /> 3 Building Permits: <br /> A. Plan Review Direct Costs (1); 555.00 minimum <br /> B. Agreement Preparation Died Costs (1) <br /> 4 Large Format Copies (see also Communay Development Dept.) 51000 for first sheet and 52.00 for each sheet thereafter plus Direct Costs <br /> (1) <br /> (1) Direct Costs: Hourly personnel charge plus a factor of 73% for benefits. 54% for indirect overhead charges and 87% for atsl7 support charges. <br /> G17.CGET20l1 -12W aat2012 Proposed Fen M.Cm Sdw*aeda. 19 4(27(2011 <br />