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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE B, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of Ilse Slate of Callfomla. <br /> Description 1 Current Fee 'Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Fees <br /> LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br /> 1 - Librar y Cams SLMC 1 -3-805 I <br /> A. Non - resident San Leandro Workers 530.00/year <br /> B. Non - resident Family 580.00/year <br /> C. Replacement Card 53.00/adult $3A0/minor <br /> 2 Fines and Penalties SLMC 1-3-805 <br /> A. Ove,0 a Book Fines 5,40/day; - adult 5,25/day - minor <br /> Max. Fine: 510.00/catalogued item; 68. 0k nCotaloguod item <br /> B. Lost Books List price pkns processing charge of: 610 d catalogued; SB00 if <br /> uncelalOgued <br /> C. Overdue Video Cassete/DVDICD f 1.00/day up to S 15.0O/max. <br /> D. Lost Video Cassetto/DVD/CD Replacement costs phis 610.00 replacement charge <br /> E. Damaged Video Cassete/OVD/CD Charge to be assessed by staff <br /> F. Damaged Plastic Case for Video. OVD or CO 65.00 <br /> G. Replace Mylar Book Cover 55.00 <br /> 3 Special Services SLMC 1 -3-805 <br /> A. Interlibrary Loan 55.00/request plus postage oast or charges by lending library. <br /> B. Rental Books 0.50/clay (51.00 min.) <br /> C. Video and DVD Rental 53.0013 days • 61,00 per day far additional days <br /> D. FAX Service <br /> — In State $2,00/page <br /> — Out of State $3.00/first page; 52.00 each additional page <br /> — International 67,00/first page; 62.00 each additional page <br /> E. Proctor Exam Fee 650,00 <br /> 4 Meeting Facility Fees <br /> USERS era classified into the folio/ling groups for We purpose of determining applicable <br /> lees and charges. <br /> — Group Eligibility A: Programs administered by or for the City of San Leandro <br /> — Group Eligibility B: San Leandro non.probt organizations with tenor nhore members of whom <br /> at least 509S are San Leandro residents. (Non -profit Itadmising events 000 <br /> be charged for actual °pemtng cons. inducting staffing. uldides and <br /> security). <br /> -- Group Esgitih y C: NonSon Leandro Non -profit organizations which servo San Leandro <br /> residents. (Uso 01 high-demand facilities limited to Mira per year. <br /> Fundraising events MO be charged for actual operating costs, including <br /> staffing, utilities, and soarnty.) <br /> — Group Eligibility D: San Leandro resident individuals or groups using he facility for private <br /> purpose. <br /> — Group Eligibility E: Non - resident individuals using the facility for private purposes. <br /> — Group Etigildhty F: San Leandro businesses with company facility located within Son Leandro <br /> city Omits. <br /> — Group EbgiGhly G: Non-San Leandro businesses. commercial groups. non -profit <br /> organizations, and 00 other non - resident groups. <br /> RENTAL FEES are determined by group eligibility and facility used. Operations costa, <br /> liability Insurance fees. and security fees may 0130 CO applicable. Minimum rental is Mo <br /> hours, Hourly roes are not prorated for parts of an hour. <br /> Facility Hourly Rental Rates for Group Ellgibillty <br /> A. Community Library Center. Sae Hourly Rental Rata Schedule A B• C• 0 E F G <br /> — Trustees Room, Mary Brown Room; Conference B or Conference C Sae Houry Ramie Rae Schedule N/A WA N/A 5 50 f 75 $ 75 S 85 <br /> — LeGUm Hal, Estudido Room, Karp. or Senior Facility See Hourly Rental Rele Schedule N/A N/A N/A S 100 S 120 5 120 S 140 <br /> — Kltden (Oat roe( Sae Hourly Rental Rata Schedule N/A WA N/A 5 75 S 85 5 95 S 110 <br /> — KarplEftuddo combination Sea Homy Rental Rate Schedule N/A N/A N/A S 150 S 200 S 200 S 750 <br /> B. Casa Parade Grounds: See HOUM Rental Rate Schedule 01/5 NIA N/A S 150 3 200 S 200 S 750 <br /> — Kitchen (Oat roe) See HouM Ramat Rate Schedule N/A WA N/A S BO f 100 S 110 5 120 <br /> 'Resident Rates will 0o charged during peek weekend /lours <br /> GASUCCE712011- 12,Faesh2012 Propeeae Fees Mauer scheduled*. 27 40712011 <br />