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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 6, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant 10 various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLACI or the general Mws of the Stale of California. <br /> _I Description 1 Current Foa (Reference FY 2011.12 Proposed Fees <br /> RECREATION AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT I <br /> 1 Facility /Parks/Pools/Fields Rental Fees I I <br /> USERS are classified Into the following groups for the purpose of determining <br /> .applicable lees and charges. <br /> — Group Eligibility A: Programs edmirdstered by or for the Oty of San Leandro. <br /> — Group Eligibility B:' San Leandro non- profit organizations with Ian or more members of whom at least 50% are San Leandro residents. <br /> — Group Eligibility C:' Non-San Leandro Non-profit organizations which serve San Leandro 103i0011t3. <br /> — Group Eligibthy D: San LeandromsidertincInddualsorgroupsustnethelacilityforprivate purpose. <br /> San Leandro maiden using the Monty for ornate purposes. 1 <br /> — Group Eligibility E: Non- nesiden4mdividuals wing taoWy7orplvaleplaposec- <br /> Non•reslOent individuals using the facility for private purposes and non -San Leandro mFprotn organizations. 1 <br /> — Group Eiiglbety F: San Leandro businesses wlh company facility located within San Loanfro city limits. <br /> — Group Eligibility G: Non -SenLeandra6usinessas ilroupsr MOfiraUalizadoru: deloaerson+esiden goups- <br /> Non San Leandro Dush18aaee and commercial groups. 1 <br /> 'Resident fees charged during peak hours (Fridays after 5 pm. Saturdays. Sundays) and holidays. <br /> Rental lees are determined by group eligibility and facility used. Operational costs. satiety insurance fees. and etv.mty foes may also be applicable. Minimum rental Is two hours. Hourly rates ere not prorated la parts of en hour. <br /> A. Facilities <br /> I 1 I 1 I I 1 <br /> Marina Community Center: MARINA COMMUNITY CENTER FEES <br /> I A 1 0' 1 C' 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 G <br /> Patio Conference ROOM Hourly Rental Rata N/A 510 510 535 553 553 561 <br /> Multipurpose Room A, B. C. Presantalpn Room Hourly Rental Rata N/A 520 520 955 583 583 596 <br /> Kitchen (01 1010 112 day) Flat Roto 12 Day NIA 520 S20 555 583 583 596 <br /> Kitchen (fat rate Tull day) Flat Rato Full Day N/A $35 $75 560 5120 5120 5140 <br /> 526 526 <br /> Titan Auditorium Hourly Rental Rato N/A 550 550 5150 5218 5214 5764 <br /> 1 5225 5225 5283 1 <br /> Senior Community Canter: SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER FEES <br /> 1 A B' C' D E F G <br /> Main Hal Hourly Rental Rata N/A 550 550 5110 - 5210 5210 5345 <br /> 5150 5225 5225 5263 <br /> 12 Main Hall A Hourly Rental Rate N/A 120 530 560 5120 5120 5140 <br /> 528 520 <br /> 12 Main Hall B Hourly Rental Rate NIA 120 520 580 5170 5120 5110 <br /> 528 528 <br /> Kitchen (Ilan rate) 12 Day Flat Rata 1/2 Day N/A 520 520 550 _ 575 $75 588 <br /> 555 $83 583 590 <br /> Kitchen (flat rate) Full Day Flat Rate Full Day N/A 535 535 575 $147 5417 5434 <br /> $20 $20 580 5120 5120 5140 <br /> Activities Room Harty Rental Rate N/A 520 520 550 $75 $75 558 <br /> 555 583 583 ' 596 <br /> ClaasraomA. Hourly Rental Rate NIA 570 530 560 175 576 $58 <br /> Change Name to: Meeting Room C N/A 520 520 555 583 583 596 <br /> _ Classroom& Hourly Rental Rata NIA 570 520 560 476 $75 $48 <br /> Clomp Name to: Meeting Room 0 N/A 520 520 S55 583 583 596 <br /> Arts 5 Crofts Room Hourly Rental Rato N/A 920 520 580 $430 $430 5440 <br /> 555 583 983 596 <br /> Exenise Room Health & Fitness ROom Hourly Rental Rato N/A $30 570 580 5120 5120 5110 <br /> $26 526 <br /> Computer Lab Hourly Rental Rota N/A 470 570 5100 5150 5150 5175 <br /> 1 533 s33 1 <br /> HALCYON PARK BUILDING <br /> Halcyon Park Building Hoary Roots Rare New Fee N/A J 520 I 520 1 565 1 583 1 $83 J 596 <br /> WASING TON MANOR BUILDING <br /> Washington Manor Park Buidlrp Haug Rental Rao Now Foo N/A I 520 1 520 1 555 1 583 1 583 1 596 1 <br /> 018UOGET12011.12Wee02012 PropWrd Fro McCn achoode.du 37 c270011 <br />