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MINUTES Page 8 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — April 18, 2011 <br /> Councilmember Prola stated that he does not support the agreement without the CPI <br /> cap. He commented that believed the red light camera program would result in a safer <br /> city, and expressed support for the agreement. <br /> Councilmember Cutter stated that she did not support the agreement, due to the length <br /> of the contract term. She expressed concern regarding the cost of the program. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak acknowledged staff for negotiating the increased contract <br /> term in order to reduce the City's cost, and to cap the CPI increase. She commented <br /> that she believed the cameras have been a deterrent to "near misses" at the <br /> Washington/Lewelling intersection, which is a dangerous intersection. Councilmember <br /> Starosciak expressed support for the agreement. <br /> Councilmember Gregory stated that he did not support the agreement. <br /> Mayor Cassidy commented that he did not have sufficient data to ascertain the safety <br /> findings; he was concerned that this agreement was not competitively bid; and he <br /> believed the fine for a red light ticket is too high. <br /> 1. Resolution No. 2011 -080, Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute <br /> an Agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems for the Renewal of the Red Light <br /> Photo Enforcement Program (provides for renewal of contract through December <br /> 31, 2018 for 5 approaches). Adopted with amendment to agreement, deleting <br /> Item 9 of Exhibit D related to continued payment if a camera is deactivated <br /> due to roadway construction. <br /> M/S /C Prola and Starosciak. Ayes: 4; Noes: 3 (Cassidy, Cutter, and <br /> Gregory) <br /> B. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br /> None. <br /> 11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br /> City Councilmembers announce calendar of upcoming events and coordinate attendance. <br /> Councilmember Souza announced April Showers on April 30. <br /> Councilmember Prola announced the Oakland Airport Noise Management Forum <br /> at the Jack London Aquatic Center Building on April 20; fundraiser for Building Futures with <br /> Women and Children on May 12; and the awards celebration for the Alameda County Central <br /> Labor Council on May 20. <br /> Vice Mayor Reed announced the Sustainable Business Practice meeting hosted by the <br />