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MINUTES Page 7 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — April 18, 2011 <br /> Staff and Redflex representatives responded to questions from the Council. <br /> Councilmember Prola expressed his support for the proposed agreement, but indicated <br /> that he was not inclined to vote to approve any new cameras, due to their cost. <br /> Councilmember Gregory expressed concern regarding the length of the contract term. <br /> He asked if the Council could receive an annual update on the red light camera program. <br /> Chief Spagnoli stated that staff could provide an annual report on the program. <br /> Councilmember Souza expressed concern about the length of the contract term. She <br /> expressed support for the agreement, due to the improved traffic safety achieved <br /> through the use of the cameras. <br /> Councilmember Cutter expressed concern regarding the length of the contract term. <br /> Mayor Cassidy requested that Item 9 of Exhibit D, which requires continued payment if <br /> a camera is deactivated due to roadway construction, be deleted. Mr. Chuck Uhler, <br /> CEO of Redflex, agreed to this change. <br /> Mayor Cassidy stated that he did not intend to vote for the agreement. <br /> Public Comments on Item 10.A.: <br /> Mike Katz, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that red <br /> light cameras are not installed at most dangerous intersections in San Leandro. Mr. <br /> Katz suggested that lengthening the yellow light timing would be more effective than <br /> red light cameras at reducing collisions. Mr. Katz commented on cities that have <br /> chosen not to renew their red light camera contracts. <br /> Fran Leidy, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that red <br /> light cameras are not the panacea they were made out to be. She requested that Council <br /> not renew the Redflex agreement. <br /> Tim Holmes, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, conunenting on the <br /> need to consider other options for traffic safety. Mr. Holmes urged the Council not to <br /> approve the contract until a fully informed decision can be made. <br /> Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that <br /> red light cameras do not benefit San Leandro, and the money could be better spent by <br /> hiring a police officer. <br /> End of Public Comments on Item 10.A. <br /> Vice Mayor Reed expressed concerns regarding safety, the length of the contract term, <br /> and the cost; however, she indicated that she is leaning toward approval of the <br /> agreement. <br />