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premises and until the facilities have been inspected for structural stability. Inspection may <br /> be the responsibility of the State Architect's Office, as it is believed the City has no authority <br /> to certify school buildings as safe. <br /> Charles Telehala reported that the American Red Cross could be arriving as quickly as within <br /> an hour or two with resources for a localized emergency. A regional emergency will be a <br /> greater drain on their supplies and personnel, so activation of shelters will take longer in that <br /> scenario. <br /> The Disaster Council agreed to have a sub -group made up of City, School District and Red <br /> Cross staff meet separately to expand on this discussion and share contact information for all <br /> involved agencies for disaster plans. A report will be made at the next Disaster Council <br /> meeting. <br /> Mayor Cassidy asked that the City be given copies of emergency response plans from the <br /> School Districts and offered that the City will share its plan once completed. <br /> 4. Discussion Regarding May Count -wide Exercise <br /> Kathy Ornelas reported that, on May 24, Alameda County Office of Homeland Security and <br /> Alameda County Public Health Department will be coordinating an exercise for all agencies <br /> in the county wishing to participate. It will test agency organizational skills and <br /> communications with County resources. San Leandro will participate with an EOC tabletop <br /> exercise and a review of departmental Continuity of Operations Plans. <br /> On May 25, at the Oakland - Alameda County Coliseum, the County will be holding a training <br /> opportunity for public agencies and first responders, demonstrating some of the equipment <br /> and resources the Public Health Department has been able to obtain for disaster response, <br /> particularly for pandemic events. <br /> On May 26, also at the Oakland - Alameda County Coliseum, a Public Emergency <br /> Preparedness Fair will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. with information, <br /> demonstrations, presentations, and equipment displays. Staff will help publicize this to San <br /> Leandro groups when County organizers begin their public announcement of this event. <br /> 5. Discussion Regarding Future Meeting Topics and Schedules <br /> The group offered a variety of topics to be placed on future agendas, including: what <br /> resources are available from public safety agencies and how they will be deployed following <br /> an emergency; how schools have prepared and what their evacuation plans are; models for <br /> community preparedness and awareness; how people get news and the use of technology; <br /> sustainability of City services and use of resources. <br /> The group agreed to meet on a quarterly basis, with the next meeting to be held on Friday, <br /> July 15. The presentation at that meeting will likely be a report from the East Bay Municipal <br /> Utilities District on the stability of local dams and inundation expectations should one or both <br /> dams fail. <br /> 2 <br />