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San Leandro Housing Element Implementation Program: 2010 Annual Element Progress Report —Table C <br /> p 7 <br /> Name ofGoal/Program Action Objectives/Summary of Actions I'imeframe in Status of Program Implementation <br /> II.E. <br /> First -Time Buyer Education Action 55.03 -A: First Support the Bay Area Home Buyers Agency or similar organization to provide Ongoing ACHIEVED and ADVANCE: City/RDA conducts of least two free }min <br /> Time Homebuyer homebuyer counseling services and to conduct periodic City- sponsored workshops seminars annually via BAHBA that are publicized in the San Leandro Times <br /> Counseling for lust -time homebuyers with lenders and realtors. Publicize these seminars and and/or Daily Review newspapers. Flyers are also distributed to the City libraries, <br /> ensure that residents may attend seminars in nearby cities and in San Leandro. local teachers' association, and City employees. BAHBA also mails packets to <br /> • local business human resource offices. <br /> BAHBA awarded 97 certificates of completion in 2010. BAHBA provided free <br /> one-on-one homebuyer counseling to 24 households who are residents and/or <br /> employed locally. Of these households, 14 were low income and 10 were <br /> moderate income. <br /> First= Time Buyer (Education Action 55.03 -B: Post- Conduct an annual "post- purchase" seminar for new homeowners, particularly Ongoing ADVANCE: BNiBA has held annual post - purchase workshops since 2009. In June <br /> Purchase Seminar those who purchased through the inclusionary housing and/or downpayment 2010, BAHBA conducted an annual post - purchase workshop anended by 13 <br /> assistance programs. homeowners. <br /> Foreclosures Action 55.05 -A: Explore a Joint Powers Agreement/ MOU with various Bay Area cities to qualify 2009 -2010 ADVANCE: The City Council approved a joint agreement on 4/6/09 with <br /> Neighborhood for HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), Round I. Purchase and Berkeley, Fremont, Livermore, and Union City. The cities selected Hallmark <br /> Stabilization Program rehabilitate foreclosed homes, land bank foreclosed homes and redevelop blighted Community Solutions (Hallmark) as the program contractor to use this pool of <br /> properties, or propose other uses to assist low- to moderate- income residents. NSPI funds jointly. As of FY09/10, Hallmark successfully purchased four single - <br /> family residential properties in Livermore. After the close of escrow on one Union <br /> City property, all of the NSPI funds will be fully committed. <br /> Additional NSP2 funds were issued in 2009. Local jurisdictions in Alameda <br /> County created a consortium that was awarded S 1 1,000000. The County is the <br /> lead agency in this Alameda County NSP Consortium, which includes San <br /> Leandro, Dublin, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark, <br /> Pleasanton, Union City, and the unincorporated county. The funds will be used in <br /> neighborhoods with the greatest foreclosure and vacancy problems. Each <br /> jurisdiction will work with local nonprofit housing agencies to purchase and <br /> rehabilitate at least 100 foreclosed and vacant homes, including six units in San <br /> Leandro, and re-sell or rent them to eligible households. <br /> • <br /> 'ACHIEVED" indicate, the arson hat been aecoo,lished .hire 1101 ANCE" means it u ongoing or should be curried forward to 1011.1014. "REPLACE" means the xenon should be replaced.ith a new or muhfiedprogram to tarn• out the policy. <br />