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• <br /> San Leandro Housing Element Implementation Program: 2010 Annual Element Progress Report —Table C <br /> p <br /> Name of Coal/Program Action Objectives/Summary of Actions Timeframe in Status of Program Implementation <br /> II.E. <br /> Goal 56: Affordable See each action below Encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of the existing affordable housing See each I. ADVANCE: In 2010, 17 Minor Ilome Repair Grants were awarded; 13 of <br /> Housing stock. timefrnme below those grants were to seniors (eight were extremely low income, four very low <br /> Conservation income, and one was low income); four grants were awarded to non seniors (one <br /> 1. Provide rehabilitation assistance to an average of20lower-income was extremely low income, and three were low income). <br /> homeowners a year between 2009 and 2014 through the Afinor Home Repair <br /> (Grant) Programs. 2. ADVANCE: Four loans were awarded in 2010; three were awarded to seniors <br /> (two were extremely low income, and one was very low income): one loan was <br /> 2. Provide rehabilitation assistance to an average of 10 lower- income made to a very low income non - senior. <br /> homeowners a year through the O vner- Assisted Rehabilitation (Loan) Program. <br /> 3. ADVANCE: No mobile home park has requested rehabilitation assistance to <br /> 3. Provide rehabilitation assistance to a minimum of one mobile home park and at date. In 2010, 13 Mobile Home Repair grants were awarded to mobile home <br /> least 20 mobile home owners by June 30, 2014. owners; 12 of these grants were made to seniors (4 were extremely low income, 8 <br /> were very low income); one Mobile Ilome Repair Grant was awarded to a non- <br /> 4. Rehabilitate at least 100 units of rental housing through the apartment senior of extremely low income. <br /> rehabilitation program by June 30, 2014. At least 30% of these units should be 4. ADVANCE: In 2010, Allied Housing began rehabilitation of a majority of their <br /> ..xfforrlable to low- or very law income households. 25 below- market rate units at Mission Hell Apts. Allied expects this rehab project <br /> to be finished in 2011. Two units are for very low- income people; 16 units for <br /> 5. Preserve the 679 income - restricted units that currently exist in the City. very low - income people; and seven for extremely low- income. <br /> 6. Assist at least I5 extremely low income households through the programs listed 5. ADVANCE: See Action 54.04 -A: Changes to Long -Term Affordability <br /> in Objectives 1, 2, and 3 above. Requirements. <br /> 5. ADVANCE: 16 extremely low income homeowners were awarded <br /> grantslloans through the programs listed in I, 2, and 3 above. <br /> Rehabilitation of Owner - Action 56.01 -A: Provide funds to low- and very low income homeowners for home maintenance Jngoing ADVANCE: Regular activity conducted under Owner - Occupied Housing Rehab <br /> Occupied Housing Home Repair Grants and repaua `le the Program. Regular ad appears in the City's quarterly Activities Guide. Program <br /> Minor Home Repair Program. description/application forms are on the City's website. Program brochures in <br /> English/Spanish /Chinese are available on the City's website and displayed at City <br /> Publicize programs through news articles, the City's website, press releases, the /fall and the main library. <br /> San Leandro Times and other media outlets, the City's local access cable channel, <br /> the Police Department's Community Compliance officers. promotional flyers at <br /> City public libraries, multi - lingual primed materials. and targeted campaigns in <br /> neighborhoods with high concentrations of older housing stock or lower- income <br /> households. <br /> Rehabilitation of Owner- Action 56.01 -8: Provide loans/technical assistance to very low and low- income homeowners for Ongoing ADVANCE: Regular activity conducted under Owner - Occupied Housing Rehab <br /> Occupied Housing Dwner -Occupied major home repairs through the Owner - Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program. Program. Regular ad appears in the City's quarterly Activities Guide and program <br /> Housing Rehabilitation description/application forms are on the City's website. Program brochures in <br /> m <br /> Publicize prognuns though news articles, the City's website, press releases, the <br /> Program Son Leandro Times /other media outlets, the local access cable channel, the Police English/Spanish/Chinese are available on the City's website and displayed at City <br /> Department's Community Compliance officers, promotional flyers at City Hall and the main library. <br /> libraries, multi - lingual printed materials, and targeted campaigns in neighborhoods <br /> with high concentrations of older housing stock or Tower- income households. <br /> "ACHIEVED" indicates the action has been accomplished. while "ADVN'CE "maze it is ongoing or should be came f n.eni to 2011.2014. "REPLACE" means the anion should he replaced with a new w mdidiies/ program to sum out the pafiq. <br />