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FY 2011-12 Budget June 6, 2011 <br /> part of the budget process, staff completed a detailed line -item budget review and reduced <br /> expenses by S802,000 in the General Fund and 5467,000 in all other funds. <br /> It is important to note that the budget has been cut to the point that services are impacted in every <br /> department, and that the proposed budget includes reductions that are in addition to the cuts <br /> made in previous years. The reserves have dwindled to the point where there is insufficient <br /> cushion to absorb unanticipated expenses; any added expense requires an offsetting reduction. <br /> The forecast for the General Fund is a much improved picture from prior years, with a balanced <br /> budget for FY 2011 -12. However, the General Fund deficit reappears over the next three years. <br /> This is mainly driven by conservative revenue estimates, and anticipated increases in operating <br /> costs. <br /> In addition to the General Fund, the City maintains other key revenue funds that range from the <br /> Water Pollution Control Plant to the Redevelopment Agency. Multi -year forecasts for each <br /> fund, for the most part, show these funds to be balanced in terms of available resources and <br /> projected requirements for FY 2011 -12. There are, however, certain funds that will require <br /> additional attention in order to achieve long -term financial stability. <br /> The Shoreline Fund is the only fund that is projected to be in deficit for FY 2011-12. Staff will <br /> be reviewing balancing options and monitoring program revenue, and will return to Council at <br /> amid -year to recommend a balancing plan. <br /> Proposed Budget Amendments <br /> Pursuant to City Council direction, staff is presenting two amendments to the City Manager's <br /> Proposed Budget for consideration as part of the Adopted Budget. <br /> 1. 510,000 for Eden I &R, the Alameda County 2 -1 -1 System. Use anticipated General <br /> Fund savings in the FY 2010 -11 Council Member travel budgets to fund this social <br /> services program. Staff will review the FY 20 -11 -12 budgets for Council Members to <br /> identify possible permanent expenditure reductions to make this a recurring budget <br /> allocation and provide this information to City Council at the FY 2011 -12 mid -year <br /> update. <br /> 2. 540,000 for a shared Emergency Services Coordinator (with other Alameda County <br /> cities) for a coordinated Emergency Disaster Preparedness Program. Allocate S40,000 <br /> from the anticipated FY 2010 -11 savings in the Alameda County Fire Department <br /> contract to reinstate this program. Continued program funding will be reviewed within <br /> the context of the FY 2012 -13 budget. <br /> 3. FY 2012 -13 & FY 2013 -14 Biennial Budget Process. Upon direction from the City <br /> Council Finance Committee, staff is recommending that City Council adopt a two -year <br /> budget process for upcoming years. <br /> Current Cite Council Policy <br /> • Article V of the City of San Leandro Charter requires the City Manager to submit the <br /> Proposed Budget to the City Council at least thirty -five days prior to the beginning of each <br /> fiscal year and for Council to adopt the Budget following a Public Hearing, by no later than <br /> June 30` <br /> 3 <br />