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BusHsgDev Highlights 2011 0512
City Clerk
City Council
Business & Housing Development Committee
BusHsgDev Highlights 2011 0512
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6/2/2011 2:47:59 PM
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6/2/2011 2:47:58 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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_CC Agenda 2011 0606
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EXHIBIT A <br /> • <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> I. The Consultant's Task 1 will be to advise and assist the City in the development and <br /> negotiation of an agreement with OSIsoft, Inc. or its assignees to provide access to City- <br /> owned facilities and resources and undertake other measures for the purpose of building a <br /> broadband network. .A conceptual description of this network is contained in a document <br /> entitled "Lit San Leandro Project" which has been provided to the Consultant by the City. <br /> While carrying out Task I, the Consultant agrees to attend up to seven meetings (or series <br /> of meetings within a single day) in the San Francisco Bay Area at the City's request and <br /> bill for time spent onsite. Additional meetings may be subject to minimum billing as <br /> described below at the Consultant's discretion. Included in those meetings will be meetings <br /> with representatives from OSlsoft and one presentation to both the City Council and the <br /> Business and Housing Development Committee. The time and location of these meetings <br /> will be determined by the City, subject to the reasonable availability of the Consultant. <br /> 2. The Consultant's Task 2 will be to provide the City with a written summary analysis of <br /> options at the beginning of this negotiation. This report will be in addition to any <br /> memorandums or contract drafts or presentations or similar material prepared or reviewed <br /> by the Consultant in the course of completing Task 1. This report will include a brief <br /> comparison of comparable or alternative methods of implementing private fiber systems <br /> used in other California municipalities. At the City's request, the Consultant will present <br /> this analysis at a meeting determined by the City, subject to the reasonable availability of <br /> the Consultant. <br /> 3. The Consultant's Task 3 will be to provide the City with a written summary analysis of <br /> results at the conclusion of this negotiation. This report will be in addition to any <br /> memorandums or contract drafts or presentations or similar material prepared or reviewed <br /> by the Consultant in the course of completing Task I. This analysis will include <br /> 1. an assessment of the economic viability of the OSIsoft proposal including its potential <br /> to attract new business to San Leandro, <br /> 2. an analysis of the feasibility of the proposal with an emphasis on conduit capacity <br /> issues (City to provide technical documentation), security risks, and ongoing maintenance <br /> issues and <br /> 3. an assessment of the opportunity cost of leasing conduit for this proposal as opposed to <br /> other possible uses of that capacity. <br /> At the City's request, the Consultant will present this analysis at a meeting determined by <br /> the City, subject to the reasonable availability of the Consultant. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between June 6, 2011 <br /> The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro and <br /> Tellus Venture Associates -- Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 <br />
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