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4. The Consultant's Task 4 will be to advise and assist the City in the development of a <br /> broadband policy as requested by the City. The scope of this Task will involve helping the <br /> City identify shortcomings in the current availability of broadband service for industrial <br /> and commercial businesses, identifying options to remedy the shortcoming. The final <br /> deliverable for this Task will be a report which includes a description of the current status, <br /> and overview of options to provide enhanced services, and estimates of the relative costs <br /> and challenges associated with the alternatives. <br /> The City will provide resources necessary to conduct this negotiation and research at no cost to <br /> the Consultant including but not limited to GIS data, business license data, technical <br /> documentation of City facilities, legal counsel and meeting space. <br /> The Consultant shall give full effort to fulfill City's need both in the quality of contents and <br /> delivery schedule of service. The Consultant represents that it has the necessary professional <br /> expertise, qualifications and capability, and all required licenses and/or certifications to provide <br /> the services herein. <br /> The Consultant is responsible for "course of business" expense, such as domestic phone calls, <br /> travel within the greater Monterey and San Francisco Bay Areas (including travel to San <br /> Leandro), normal office expenses, subscriptions, normal on -line expense and such. <br /> All other direct expenses, including but not limited to other travel, report and presentation <br /> production, and research and client service expenses, are reimbursable provided that any <br /> significant expenses are approved in advance when possible. All reimbursable expenses will be <br /> billed in the month incurred and on a pass - through basis, without mark up. <br /> For work performed under this agreement, including subcontractors, the Consultant will <br /> bill the City at the project rate of 5250 per hour. Any such work must be approved in advance <br /> and in writing by the City. Work done at the Consultant's office is tracked and billed by the <br /> • quarter hour. Work done at locations outside the Consultant's office may be subject to a <br /> minimum 4 -hour and a maximum 8 -hour daily charge at the Consultant's discretion. Travel time <br /> is not billable as such, provided the City allows reasonable arrangements and expenses (where <br /> applicable) to minimize such time. <br /> The total, not -to- exceed amount for all work performed and reimbursable expenses incurred <br /> under this agreement is $45,000 (forty five thousand dollars). Except as noted above, invoicing <br /> will be done on a calendar month basis for time and expense billable within a given month. <br /> Invoices are due and payable upon receipt, and invoices more than 30 days past due will be <br /> subject to an additional one and a half percent per month charge. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between June 6, 2011 <br /> The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro and <br /> Tellus Venture Associates -- Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 <br />